[news.software.nntp] Error in NNTPD?

netnews@uafhp.uark.edu (Netnews) (09/14/90)

I have recently installed NNTP 1.5.10 on our HP (upgrading from 1.5.8) and am
noticing an error that keeps cropping up every time our news feed connects to

Here is the error message I get in the nntplog file:
Sep 13 16:36:30 localhost nntpd[25159]: spawn: pipe: Too many open files
Has anyone seen this happen before?  I proceed to kill the currently running
nntpd and then clear the nntplog file so I don't get all those thousands
of error messages mailed to me tonight.

We are running an HP 9000/835 (probably the latest version of the OS, but
I don't know how to find that out right now).

If anyone could help then it would be greatly appreciated!

I'm going to start digging into the code this weekend.

   - David Summers