[news.software.nntp] Configuring nntp 1.5.10 for a DecStation3100

mahesh@caradhras.cc.nd.edu (Mahesh Subramanya) (11/16/90)

	I've been trying to bring CNEWS up on our central news server
( a DecStation 3100 running Ultrix 3.1 ) for the last few days.  
It's sory of funny, It *almost* works.  I can successfully pass articles
along downstream, but receiving articles from one of my upstream contacts
is a hit/miss proposition.  
	We're on the internet, and use nntp to download articles from
our upstream servers.  

	I have a question about configuring nntp 1.5.10 for this.  I
plan on using the DBZ code that comes with CNEWS. In common/conf.h, should
I #define both DBM and DBZ, or only DBZ ?  If I #define DBM *and* DBZ, 
should I also have -ldbm as a linker flag? 

	The code seems to to say #deefine both, and omit -ldbm (include
/usr/lib/dbz.o instead), but at this stage I'm not too sure as to
what works and what doesn't

Any other suggestions/things to look out for peculiar to the 3100??

Thanx a mill in advance

**********************MVS??? EX-TER-MI-NATE!!!**************************
Mahesh Subramanya                     INTERNET: mahesh@caradhras.cc.nd.edu
Senior Analyst                        
Office of University Computing        NeXT:     mahesh@numenor.next.nd.edu
University of Notre Dame              Voice:    (219) 239-5600  x6421
Notre Dame,  IN  46556
Mahesh Subramanya                     INTERNET: mahesh@caradhras.cc.nd.edu
Senior Analyst                        
Office of University Computing        NeXT:     mahesh@numenor.next.nd.edu