[news.software.nntp] I am having a post problem. Can you help?

sscott@camdev.comm.mot.com (Steve Scott) (02/14/91)

HELP (please  ;-)

I have installed nntp (the Dec-15 patch level), cnews, and nn

nntp is working well (good news)
cnews (for the most part) is working well.  I am getting articles
in my database

The problem is this:

When I use postnews (or :post from within nn), I get the following error

-- Error message begins

relaynews: error writing `/usr/lib/news/history', probably the disk filled (Error 0)

Your response has been saved in ~/dead.letter

-- Error message ends

I have checked everything I know to check (permission on /usr/lib/news/history
is 666/news/news, relaynews is 6775/news/news, etc)

I have discovered that this line is generated via the function prfulldisk
in the source file msgs.c.  But, I cannot understand from where relaynews
calls it or why it is doing so

I am not out of disk space (definitely - I checked ;-)

And, I suspect a file permission problem because if I su to root and
postnews, I do not get this error

Any help would be appreciated.

While on a related subject:  how do I set up my sys file so that only
articles that have been posted will be batched up for nntpsend'ing to
my nntp server?  I don't want to use the F command in the sys file (at
least not alone) as that simply causes all articles I receive to be
spooled (their full path name, anyway ;-) and that is NOT what I want

Please feel free to call with friendly advice!!!

| Steve Scott                                | Internet: sscott@mot.com        |
| Fort Worth Research and Development Center | UUCP:     csccat!camdev!sscott  |
| Cellular Infrastructure Group              | Internal: TX14/1D               |
| Radio Telephone Systems Group              | Voice:    (817) 232-6317        |
| Motorola, Inc.                             | Fax:      (817) 232-6081        |
|               The opinions contained herein are STRICTLY my own              |