[news.software.nntp] XGTITLE vs LIST NEWSGROUPS

reggers@ria.ccs.uwo.ca (Reg Quinton) (03/09/91)

I've run into a problem with the protocol extensions to NNTP by ANU/NEWS on
vax/vms and by the tmc.edu group on Unix. Both have solved a similar problem
different (and incompatible) ways. Anyways here's the problem.

Both want to add an extension that gives access to the newsgroup titles (not
the article titles, the newsgroup titles). On Unix systems this is usually
filed as /usr/lib/news/newsgroups, on ANU/NEWS it's squirrled away in one of
Geoff's data bases.

1. ANU Solution:

ANU/NEWS implements, and expects NNTP servers to implement, the LIST command
as defined in RFC977. But that specification only gives you the list of
active newsgroups.  The ANU group has therefore implemented an extension
command "XGTITLE". The only place I see this being used is in the command
"XGTITLE *" which spits back all titles.

2. tmc.edu Solution:

Stan Barber's code instead extends the semantics of the "LIST" command to
include these qualifiers:



Would it be possible to have these two groups together on this one issue? I
think the preferred solution that is the second (but then want to run
anu/news in client only mode to my Unix server ;-).