[news.software.nntp] Why does my nntpd keep crashing?!

jeff@unicorn.cc.wwu.edu (Jeff Wandling) (04/05/91)

System: DEC 5500, Ultrix 4.1, latest version of cnews and nntp.

   I have been having some feed problems on our local network. Our main
news server "unicorn.cc.wwu.edu" is feeding news to "milton.u.washington.edu"
and "ogisce" as well as our new "soon-to-replace-unicorn" machine called

   nntpd on unicorn is working correctly. When other sites connect to
unicorn to get their news, nntp on unicorn works fine. When unicorn
tries to send it's batch for henson, the nntpd on henson core dumps and no
news is transfered.

   nntpd runs ok from the command line, but when trying to "connect" with
unicorn, it core dumps (segm. fault).

  Any ideas? I need to get this working soon...

     Jeff Wandling        