[comp.sys.ibm.pc.net] Banyon network site needed to port Hardfacts

d_carroll@tle.enet.dec.com (Diana Carroll) (10/06/90)

I'm posting this for a friend.  Please call him (Charlie Allman) if
you are interested or know anyone who is. I can also forward 
email, if necessary.

We need a DOS-based Banyon Network to try an exciting and valuable
database called Hardfacts.  Hardfacts contains detailed and current
data on over 7,000 pc-related products -- including pricing,
sourcing, and technical specifications; see our full-page ad in BYTE
magazine this month.  If we can test the product on your network,
we'll give you a copy of the database (selling for $695).  Call
Charlie at 508-371-3066.

| d_carroll@tle.enet.dec.com | Copyright (c) 1990: You may copy freely if your|
|			     | recipients may, and if you credit the          |
|"I'm *nigh* invulnerable!"  | author and include this copyright notice.      |