bpownell@silver.ucs.indiana.edu (bryan pownell) (05/19/91)
Hello all.... I was hopeing someone could give me some suggestions on the best way or application to use when hooking two pc's back to back with an ethernet cable. ive got two pc's with 3com etherlink 3c501's and a cable between. i have no luck with telbin/telnet.. keep getting an error msg about packet received for wrong port--reset sent. but even if that worked im not sure that would really be fuctional enough. i was sort of hoping for more than just fast file transfer. pc 1 runs uport unix or os/2 1.1 or dos5 pc 2 has just dos 3.3 any suggesttions would be appreciated. bryan -- With, Without There's alot of it about... And who'll deny thats what the fighting's all about... Pink Floyd