[comp.unix.microport] manual pages for DosMerge

dave@micropen (David F. Carlson) (04/27/88)

This is a locally developed man page for DOSMerge running under
Microport UNIX.  Compress this and store it in /usr/catman/man1.
If you use news compress(1) rather than pack(1), you must add an extra
'*.Z' option to /usr/bin/man shell script to invoke zcat(1) instead of 
pcat(1).  (Wouldn't it be better is AT&T admitted news compress is
better than pack like BSD 4.3 did!)

Have fun kiddies...

------------------------- man1/dosMerge --------------------------

     DDOOSSMMEERRGGEE((11))              MMiiccrrooppeenn,, IInncc..               DDOOSSMMEERRGGEE((11))

          DDoossMMeerrggee - MS-DOS(tm) under UNIX(tm) Virtual Machine (VM86
          on V/386)

          ddooss ++-- [ffllaaggss] ffiilleennaammeess

          ddooss sets various options for the files given in the
          ffiilleennaammeess list. Each option is preceded by a ++ or --,
          indicating that the option should be added or removed,
          respectively. Each ++ and -- sign is followed by a flag option
          described as follows:

               ++-- aa[zzzzzz] - Assign the device [zzzzzz] to the files in
               ffiilleennaammeess.  (Ex.,  +acom1=/dev/tty01 to attach UNIX tty
               to DOS process.)

               ++-- bb - Behaved program. This option redirects the
               standard input and output to and from UNIX,
               respectively.  This option for line oriented DOS
               applications only.

               ++-- dd[ddiisskk] - Specify the initial current drive to be
               ddiisskk, where ddiisskk is any logical DOS disk drive name.

               ++-- ee[ffiillee] - Use the device configuration file given by
               ffiillee.  (Ex., +e/usr/dbin/config.sys).

               ++ hh - Print help information to the standard output.

               ++-- ll[ffiillee] - Load DOS image file ffiillee.  (Allows EGA
               users to run CGA directed programs.)

               ++ mm[ssiizzee] - Set the memory size to the number of
               kilobytes given by ssiizzee. The letters ll, ss, or nn can be
               substituted for the number of kilobytes and stand for
               the llarge, ssmall, and nno memory model, respectively.

               ++-- pp[ffiillee] - Make command.com 'Permanent'. ffiillee is the
               file that autoexec.bat should run.  (Ex.,

               ++-- ss[sseecc] - Spool DOS printer output to the UNIX
               printer. Timeout is set to sseecc seconds,

               ++-- tt - Translate DOS command line arguments,

     Page 1                                           (printed 2/3/88)

     DDOOSSMMEERRGGEE((11))              MMiiccrrooppeenn,, IInncc..               DDOOSSMMEERRGGEE((11))

               ++-- vv - Verbose. Display acknowledgement message,

               ++-- xx - Set DOS break.  (Whether BREAK is checked for
               under DOS.)

          DOS devices requiring DMA will hang the DOS process even
          though the DMA channel is correctly assigned to the dos
          process.  The process can be killed from UNIX.

          DOS processes wait for input in a polling loop, and have the
          ability to comsume large amounts of processor time.

          DOS processes requiring timer interrupts have behavioral
          problems related to receiving to many or too few interrupts.

          No support for extended memory is available:  640k maximum
          DOS space.

          UNIX(tm) is a trademark of AT&T.  MS-DOS(tm) is a trademark
          of Microsoft.  DosMerge is a trademark of Locus Computing

          /etc/dosdev - MS-DOS device mapping file, /etc/dosenv - MS-
          DOS default invocation environment /etc/dosapp - MS-DOS
          default application environment /usr/dbin/* - MS-DOS binary
          directory under UNIX(tm) file system

          Authors: David F. Carlson & Steven Owens, Micropen Inc.,
          Pittsford, N.Y. 14534

     Page 2                                           (printed 2/3/88)

-------------------------end of dosMerge --------------------

David F. Carlson, Micropen, Inc.

"The faster I go, the behinder I get." --Lewis Carroll