wtr@moss.ATT.COM (11/04/88)
Hi Y'awl :-) just downloaded the SC (v4.1) speadsheet from microport's bbs the other day. i having some slight problems getting it to behave properly. we get the following symptoms: running sc with 24-line console and TERM=ansi seems to get it running, but the display is pretty hosed up. specifically, it seems to want a 25 line screen. running with 25-line console and TERM=ansi25 core dumps upon startup. running 25-line, TERM=ansi runs, but display is still hosed to death (fields see to be shifted, etc... finally, entering a larger (5 digit or so) number locks everything up! keyboard is lost, have to do a hardware reset. finally, i keep getting the infamous "array too large" error if i try to do a decent sized sheet! has anyone found a work-around for this yet? Compiling Options: microport SV/AT v2.3 large model, NO optimization. 20-col/40-row sheet. sys5r2 flags set in makefile had to hand compile some of the modules since the make bombed out on ';' seperated commands. any suggestions? thanx for the help! --bill rankin att!moss!wtr 201-386-4154