[comp.unix.microport] Inquiry on 8-port Intellicom board

blair@obdient.CHI.IL.US (Doug Blair) (07/27/89)

I have a Trillian Power Systems 80386 clone box with 4 meg of RAM. It's
	a 16Mhz system running Microport System V/386 unix.

I have been given an opportunity to purchase an Intellicom 8-port board,
	which sounds like a nice thing to have around as I have an assortment
	of mice, modems, plotters and various boat anchors with RS232 sockets
	on them, but the board has -NO- documentation.

This Intellicom 8-port board has the markings "assy 2-1000 Rev Fab 1-1000
	Rev A" on the chip side, and two proms marked IC4 and IC5 with the
	markings "Intelicom 1.00 (c) 1987" on them. There appear to be two
	vacant eprom sockets and one VLSI chip.  Other than the fact that
	there are 8 male connectors on the end of a cable, I have no clue
	as to what interrupts this thing uses, what the port addresses are,
	how much (if any) buffering is available, etc etc

Has anyone used this board? Is a current doc available?  Is this suitable
	for the unix environment?  A quick reply would be appreciated via
	email or voice to 312-653-5527.

 ___  _           _  _             _    
|   || |_  ___  _| ||_| ___  __  _| |_  Doug Blair    Obedient Software Corp.
| | ||  .\/ ._\/.  || |/ ._\|  \|_   _| 1007 Naperville Rd, Wheaton IL  60187 
|___||___/\___/\___||_|\___/|_|_| |_|   obdient!blair blair@obdient.chi.il.us