[net.micro] Character reference on Supersoft.

"PearsonPete"@LLL-MFE.ARPA (04/02/84)

    Supersoft's Ada may be a different story, but I got a Supersoft C
compiler a bit over a year ago, and the experience has put my off Supersoft
for life. As one who clings to the ideal that professionalism has some place
in this industry, I would never have let out such a half-baked, bug-ridden
monstrosity even as a pre-release version, let alone as a product worthy of
*paying* *customers*. The only polished aspect of the product was its
publicity pamphlet, which boasted that it included "all the widely used
features of the C language". It's in the back of the manual that you find
the part about not supporting the types LONG, SHORT, FLOAT, or DOUBLE, etc.,
etc. My $170-odd investment in Supersoft is now gathering dust (anybody want
to make me an offer?), while my programming gets done on the Manx product.
    As I said, the technical merits of Supersoft's C may have nothing to do
with those of their Ada: I don't know who wrote their C. This note is just
a character reference on Supersoft itself.