rcw@scicom.AlphaCDC.COM (Robert White) (02/18/90)
Well, I spent the $249 and received the 2.4 upgrade for the runtime, software development, and DOSMERGE 2.0. The Dos Merge product seems to be considerably more stable. After two years, I believe I can actually use the thing. A couple of questions, though, for the uport cognoscenti: 1. Why isn't argv[0] accessible from an MS-DOS C program? DOS 2.3 supports it. Is there a command line switch when running "dos" to make this possible? 2. Still seem to be getting more "panics" with Dos Merge running at 10 MHZ than I think I should. Lowering the number of buffers to 500k from the default 800k seems to have reduced the problem. Dumb luck on my part? Anybody think of anything else to do? What is causing the panic? 3. What are the major and minor number for /dev/?dsk/fd0mf2dd, and /dev/?dsk/fd0mf2hd? are there corresponding ones for fd1? Why isn't this documented?!?! 4. Someone mentioned that the "Greenhill C compiler" was available, but uport-sales claimed no knowledge of it. Explanation? 5. What is Microport these days anyway? Just a sales organization? Do they intend to support the AT Unix in the future? o Thanks, Robert White rcw@scicom.alphacdc.com -- Robert C. White, Jr. | Read Red Fox, Stand Watie's Civil War Years The WhiteStar Corporation | in Indian Territory to find out what your rcw@scicom.alphacdc.com | history teacher never told you.