[dr.forsale] Misc. Computer Stuff For Sale

dvac@drutx.ATT.COM (Daniel Vachon) (08/01/89)

For Sale:

   First Class Peripherals Sider 10 Megabyte Hard Drive

       Runs on Apple ][,][+,//e,//gs, Franklin Ace 1000,1200,2200, etc...

          Comes with Hard Drive w/case & Power Supply.  Cooling fan sits
          on top to keep things chilled.  All cables and manuals included.
          Missing the Sider Host Adapter card which is the interface card
          to the hard drive from the Apple.  First Class Peripherals sells
          them for about $100.  I am using the drive now with a borrowed
          Host Adapter, so you can see that the drive does work, and very
          well at that.  It supports DOS 3.3, ProDOS, C/PM, and Pascal 
          partitions.  Asking $200 or offer.

   Quantum Microfazer 64K Parellel Printer Spooling System.

       For Any Parallel printer (Centronix Standard cabling).

          This is a nice time saver, it lets you move on and do other
          things while your printer dumps out a document.  Lets you dump
          the text to the Microphazer, and fress up the computer for 
          other things while the printer is chugging away.  Asking $80
          or offer.


   Snapshot Copykit //e w/system disk and manual.

       For Apple //e computer.

          Lets you freeze the computer at any time during the execution of
          any program and enter the monitor to dissasemble modify code,
          backup a program, save a game for finishing it later.  This card
          allows you to basically take a snapshot of the Apple //e memory
          and save it to disk.  You can then boot the disk later and continue
          where you left off.  Or you can use it to make backup copies of
          some of those copy protected programs.  Asking $90 or offer.


If you are interested in any of this stuff, drop me some mail, or give me a
ring, and make me an offer!   (I'll split shipping for outta state folks)

-Dan Vachon-  !att!drutx!dvac   (days) 303-538-5466   (eves) 303-289-2548