( Ping Chen ) (05/25/89)
PLEASE SUPPORT FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY IN CHINA ============================================= Chinese students, workers, and intellectuals in peaceful, non- violent demonstrations are risking their lives and livelihood by laying down in the paths of tanks, trucks and soldiers for freedom and democracy. They are doing this for: o Human Rights o Freedom of the Press o Freedom of Speech o Freedom of Religion o Freedom of Assembly This is an history-making, world-shaking event. Time is crucial. Strong action and support is needed if we are to achieve our aims. Freedom and Democrcay are never a regional issue; They are always a world issue, a goal of all human beings. Please help contribute to a better and more peaceful world for all of our children, to a better future for Chinese people and all the human kind. For any questions, please contact: Jin Dai: (512)-443-7819 (H); (512)-471-1606 (O) Hong-Jun Yang: (512)-445-4398 (H); (512)-471-1323 (O) Ying Tang: (512)-474-8348 (H); (512)-462-6485 (O) For those who wish to contribute by check or money order, please make it out to CSSA (Chinese Students & Scholars Assocation) and mail it to P.O. Box 8619 / Austin, Tx. 78713.* ----- * This is a special bank account that has been taken out for political reforms in China. -- Ping Chen, (Ph.D.) 512-476-3715 (H) 512-471-7253 (O) (Article sent out by UT Chinese Longhorn Club)