[soc.culture.china] UNITEX Memorandum

waldron@newport.rutgers.edu (James Waldron) (11/11/89)

                 A Memorandum from Dr. James Waldron
                    Executive Director UNITEX
     The moderated newsgroup, MISC.HEADLINES.UNITEX, has been 
     cancelled due to the recent resignation of its moderator.  
     We can provide services via our mailing list and will possibly 
     have an unmoderated newsgroup on the Net in the very near future.
     Direct your inquires about UNITEX to:
     UNITEX Mailing List inquires should be sent to: 
     The UNITEX news and information is best described as a weekly 
     news digest of current proceedings, speeches, international
     meetings, discussions, press releases and special committee
     reports obtained from the major organizations and agencies within 
     the United Nations and other related governmental and 
     non-governmental agencies, including several independent news
     and information services located throughout various parts of the
     Current information relating to arms negotiations, peace talks, 
     disarmament issues, international boundary and treaty agreements,
     international trade agreements, electronic data interchange, global
     environmental rulings, laws of the sea and other matters of
     global consequence have definite ramifications for commercial 
     enterprises, multinational corporations, trade unions and 
     individuals who need or want to keep abreast of a rapidly 
     changing world.  
     UNITEX has pioneered UN information gathering and its
     dissemination on behalf of the United Nations.  We are a
     non-profit organization and are NOT funded by the United
     Nations. The variety of articles and the quality of the
     international news that is distributed by UNITEX is very costly
     to produce.  We have provided this service free of charge for
     over two years.  This distribution has increased enormously 
     since we began this pilot project in the fall of 1987. Our
     financial limitations obligate us, at this point in time,
     to seek outside funding and support in the form of state and
     government grants to make possible a continued supply
     of 'free' information to the NET.
     During the Pro-Democracy Movement in China, UNITEX carried much
     of the news from the group, SOC.CULTURE.CHINA, and directed 
     information back into that very same newsgroup which
     resulted in a unique, up-to-date, interactive news forum of
     significant international consequence.  We are currently posting 
     news from China Spring, China News Digest and several other 
     publications that report directly on the political and social issues 
     of China today and on the current 'voice' of the Chinese students
     both here and abroad. 
     UNITEX has worked with Amnesty International by donating time and
     resources in supporting AI Action Alerts on our host system as well
     as distributing worldwide, news and information relating to Human
     Rights Issues.
     In addition to the dissemination of UN material and current 
     international news and press releases, we distribute information
     gathered from many of the environmental networks and
     organizations, such as, GreenNet, Green Party, GreenPeace, EcoNet
     and other organizations, such as, The Sierra Club, Audubon
     Society, etc...
     We are an electronic news conduit for other organizations that
     promote peace and reduce international misunderstanding, on
     issues relating to anti-apartheid, news from and about Africa
     and South Africa, issues concerning decolonization, news from
     Central and Latin America, issues concerning Non-Governmental
     Organizations (NGO'S), public information and news from the
     Department of Defense (DOD) and NASA, Nicaragua news bulletins
     and many other independent news gathering agencies too numerous 
     to mention.
     UNITEX believes that it is important to provide a source of 
     information which is almost totally unavailable to the general
     public.  The founders of UNITEX, James Waldron, PhD., and
     Dorothy Nicklus, United Nations NGO Representative, would like
     to extend to all the opportunity to continue receiving this
     important international news and information.  We invite new
     readers as well as thoses who have participated in
     MISC.HEADLINES.UNITEX to send for a membership application. This
     will help to keep you informed of our mailing list subscription
     as well as new features we plan to introduce in the near future,
     which include: an electronic magazine formulated with
     'categories', such as, UN Press Releases, Human Rights Issues,
     Disarmament, Environmnetal Issues; A multi-line host system for
     direct access to this information with a search and retrieve,
     on-line encylopedia database capability; courseware for Distance
     Education which will incorporate material for international
     studies, political science simulation modeling and other
     education-related projects. There are even possibilites of
     a toll-free 800 number access in the works..... 
     We thank all that believe in the Democratization of Information
     and wish to support UNITEX. Please let us hear from you! For
     further information on the availability of the UNITEX NEWS DIGEST,
     membership, or any other information relating to UNITEX in
     general or the mailing list in particular, send email to:
     waldron@newport.rutgers.edu or call our administration office 
     in New York City, re: Dorothy Nicklus UN NGO REP. (212) 799-4566.
     Our FAX number is (212) 787-1726
     Thank you.............
     Dr. James Waldron
     Executive Director,  UNITEX