dtroup@carroll1.cc.edu (David C. Troup - Skunk Works : 2600hz) (02/07/90)
Hello. I'm an AI major (at the undergraduate level) at Carroll College, Waukesha Wis. The AI major here at Carroll is quite new (no one has graduated yet with AI), and I am wondering what other undergrad programs are like. Our program is suffering from a lack of AI exposure, applied and theory. Basicly, the Dept. heads got together and "MADE" an AI major out of EXISTING classes here at Carroll College. The Psych and Philosophy classes that I have taken (that are required for the major-7 of them), have had nothing to offer in the way of AI in any respect. Yes, I am upset, and I would like to see what other undergrad programs are like. Also, our Dept. head claims that the major will "...prepare the Carroll AI student for work on a graduate level." I don't subscribe to his thinking. So hearing from graduate programs about what they are looking for in a student headed for graduate studies would also help quite a bit. Please reply via Email or a photocopy of the requirements/class content for your particular AI studies would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank-you for your time. -- David C. Troup ! SkunkWorks ! 2600 hz |"Im going to work at an office dtroup@carroll1.cc.edu | that has no phone, and 414-524-6809(dorm)7343(work) | returning home with sandy The Surf Rat - DC 12 on Neil Pryde and Seatrend | feet."