miya@GODZIL.CIMDS.RI.CMU.EDU (Kazuo Miyashita) (05/06/91)
I'll post the summary of the information I got about CBR shell from the replies of many kind people and the article of magazine I found. (1) Protos Ray Bariess has made his PROTOS CBR system available for ftp on cs.utexas.edu under /pub/porter/*. I think that it is about the closest thing you will find. It's in CommonLisp, btw. Bruce Porter was Ray's dissertation advisor. Ray's up at ILS at northwestern now, I think his email is bariess@ils.nwu.edu This information was given by - Tom(teskridg@NMSU.Edu) (2) CBR-shell A company named Cognitive Systems (started by Roger Schank) has a CBR tool out that is written in Lisp for a Macintosh. It is currenty in beta release. We obtained it for $1000 because one of our group has some acquaintance with one of the principles of Cognitive Systems. We have just begun to use it. So far, we are impressed with its capabilities. It currently only clusters a library of cases so that similar cases can be retrieved for a new case. It does not yet have capabilities for adaptation of solutions from old cases. I don't know if they are running on anything but a Mac. You could call them at (203) 773-0726. I would be interested if you find any other tools from your query. CBR-shell was mentioned by - Larry Wood, Brigham Young University (WOODL%BYUVAX.BITNET) - Jim Ruehlin (jim@tortuga.sandiego.NCR.COM) - Douglas Dyer <dyer@AIVAX.RADC.AF.MIL> (3) VP-Expert Have you thought about using a simple expert system shell for experiment- ing with case-based reasoning? VP-Expert is a good example of a budget priced system and can access data bases, spread sheets, and graphics. This was suggested by - Walt Deal (wdeal@nhgs.vak12ed.edu) In addition to these, Lindsey Spratt (spratt@hawk.cs.ukans.edu) said we could find the relevant article in AI Magazine, Spring 1991. From the article "Case-Based Reasoning:A Research Paradigm"(by Stephen Slade) I found some tools for CBR. Those are as follows. (4) OGRE This is developed by Donahue at TI. I don't have any information about it, but you can refer to "ORGE:Generic Reasoning from Experience" In Proceedings of a Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning 1989, 248-252, Morgan Kaufmann (5) CABARET This is developed by the group of University of Massachusetts,Amherst. I think this is a kind of blackboard architecture combining CBR and RBR (Rule-Based Reasoning) originally developed for the application of CBR to the law. You can further refer to "Combining Case-Based and Rule-Based Reasoning: A Heuristic Approach" In Proceedings of IJCAI-89 or "Options for Controlling Mixed-Paradigm Systems" In Proceedings of a Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning 1989, 318-323, Morgan Kaufmann Finally I found the small article in AI EXPERT May 1991 which says about another CBR-shell. (6) CBR-Express This is a commercial product of INTERFENCE CORP. This is the additional module to ART-IM, a knowledge-based system-development tool. For further information please contact to Inference Corp at 550 N.Continental Blvd.,El Segundo,Calif.90245 (213)322-0200 And if you have a chance to attend CBR-workshop which will be held this week in Washinton D.C. (unfortunately I can't), please ask anybody for more recent or additional information and post it. Thanks and sorry for long lines. -- Kazuo Miyashita (miya@isl1.ri.cmu.edu) The Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University