(Mark W. Tilden) (06/06/91)
Sorry about this but it definitely appears that my original post
never made it off continent. Seems some sites just couldn't
handle the cross-posting and killed it. Nasty bug. :-/
By way of explanation, I was intrigued by the UKs Robot Olympics last year
but miffed that I found out too late to attend (There was absolutely No
mention of it over here at all). The UK show was postponed until 92,
so we've taken the initiative for 91.
Anyway, here's the copy. Further details, rules, snazzy photographs
and starter documentation available for $5 (for shipping), $10 for
The First Annual BEAM Robot Olympics:
Ontario Science Center
October 24th to 27th, 1991
Sponsored by:
IEEE Canada and the University of Waterloo
The BEAM Robot Olympics is not so much a series of technological
competitions as a chance for robot enthusiasts to present their
designs to each other, the press, and the public. It is also a
open forum for anyone who wants to get started in the field to
compete and compare. Any and every robot will be considered so
long as it does not come from a kit or store. Robots of similar
ability will be pitted against each other in simple competitions,
but generally robots will be judged on sophistication of
behavior, novelty of design and quality of hardware.
Basically, if you built it, we'd like to see it.
One of the main aims of the Olympics is to get more people
interested in practical robotics (rather than computer simula-
tions). Thus BEAM, which stands for Biology, Electronics, Art
and Mechanics is a system founded at the University of Waterloo
which allows first time enthusiasts to get started in all these
disciplines. By building one or more self-contained creatures,
anyone can gain the confidence and ability to build a wider range
of robotic devices. There are already BEAM demonstration
creatures for each of the following events:
SOLAROLLER: Self starting robot dragster race.
PHOTOVORE: Robots face a closed 'world' and each other.
HIGH JUMP: Robot creature leaps, lands on feet.
ROPE CLIMBING: First up, first down, self-starting.
LEGGED RACE: Walking creatures run for the money.
INNOVATION MACHINES: Electronic chopsticks, for example.
ROBOART: Mechanical/electronic aesthetics that move.
BEST MODIFIED TOY: Build brains into your Barbie.
ROBOT SUMO: Push an opponent out of a ring.
NANOMOUSE: A smaller and simpler form of the...
MICROMOUSE: Where metal mice race for aluminum cheese.
Rules and Guidelines are available now at a cost of $5.00 for
cost of copying and postage. These include pictures and discus-
sion on some of the Behavior-Based competitors already finished
or under construction at this University. Potential competitors
will be asked to fill out a 'behavior sheet' ahead of time and
competitions will be determined based on the number of competi-
tors. Those in a class by themselves will be given honorable
mention and everybody will be included in the BEAM Olympic port-
The purpose of these Olympics is to stress innovation rather than
competition. We don't want solutions to be engineered, rather we
want to test how your robot(s) will perform in a general environ-
ment. This is in contrast to something like the micromouse com-
petition where the mice perform in a very constrained situation
and under strict rules. All venues are open to the interested,
so grab your soldering iron, raid the junk pile, and we'll see
you there.
For more information on the BEAM Robot Olympics, respond by
E-mail or contact:
Mark Tilden
MFCF, University of Waterloo
Ontario, Canada
(519)885-1211 x2454
The rest of this article concentrates on general competitor
guidelines and the entrance form. If you want to be put on the
real-mail list, please complete and send in the entrance form by
real-mail. Be sure to include a picture of your competitor.
Updates will be posted to this and other relevant groups as they
become available. (This entire post is a cat of three different
files. Sorry if my name appears too often.)
Competition Rules and General Guidelines
Version 1.1
These are the rules and guidelines for the first BEAM Robot Olym-
pics (not to be confused with the Turing Robot Olympics first
held in Scotland, 1990). Although the spirit of the Olympics is
that there are few rules and thus few formal competitions, these
are some guidelines which every competitor should follow. If a
design does not fit these parameters or may but you're not sure,
please contact the organizers for a ruling. Consideration will
be given to very innovative or imaginative designs. The BEAM
Olympics is meant as an informal meeting of mind and critter with
the public and the media. It is hoped that everyone will abide
by this spirit.
All entrants must fill out and send in a separate registration
form for each competitor, a copy of which is included at the end
of this post. A clear color or black and white photograph
(ideally 5"x7") of each competitor is also required for the Olym-
pic Dossier. All photos become the property of the Olympics
organizers and cannot be returned. All who register will be put
on a mailing list and kept abreast of upcoming events.
Note: You are the Entrant, your robot is the Competitor.
RE: Robotic Competitors:
- All devices must be either entirely custom built or a heavily
modified toy. No commercial, store bought or kit robots allowed
without heavy physical modification (software re-writes alone are
not sufficient modification). "Heavy" defined in this case as
permanent structural/electronic additions which extend, replace
or enhance a functional aspect of the device (replace batteries
with solar engine, add functional arms, interface a unique
touch/vision system, etc.).
- All entries should be self-contained or have an option where
they can execute behavior without human intervention. If an entry
must use wall current, it can use only one plug at a nominal
amperage (120 VAC, 3 Amps maximum drain). Any robot which uses a
combustion process will be discouraged for safety reasons, and
will not be allowed to run inside the auditorium.
- Any entry may be disqualified if too large (ie: bigger than a
fridge). The sole reason for this is that display space and power
are limited.
- Any competitor which is obviously of mass-produced, commercial
manufacture and/or performs an obviously commercial task shall
not be considered as a competitor (we don't want this to be a
free advertising opportunity for anyone). Corporate research and
design prototypes are the exception but they must be represented
by their designer at the competition, not by the corporation.
- Any devices made from commercial construction kits (Lego,
Mecanno, etc.) must also feature obviously non-commercial, custom
elements to indicate sufficient intent of innovation.
- No 'violent' competitors will be allowed; that is, no competi-
tor may have a functionally destructive capacity (drills,
cutters, soldering iron, flame-thrower, chainsaw, etc.) although
decorative or whimsical elements along this line are allowed (ie;
waterpistols). Likewise, any competitor which may damage the
competition courses or other competitors will be disqualified.
Competitors may interfere with each other during the course of
simultaneous runs so long as they do not violate the 'no damage'
rule. Any entrant who justly feels his device could be damaged
by another entrant will be respected.
- No competitors can employ biological components (rats, chick-
ens, lemon/potato batteries, Jello, etc.) except by special per-
- Multitalented competitors are allowed and even encouraged, how-
ever such competitors must have been declared ahead of time in
their behavior description.
- Partially finished competitors are allowed to compete so long
as there is some function they can exhibit to show what they may
eventually be capable of.
Again, if you are in doubt as to the validity of your entry,
please contact Mark Tilden or Ed Spike at the University of
Waterloo. Exceptions will be made for particularly imaginative
entries. To be helpful, the following definitions are provided:
Robot: 1: A multi-purpose mechanical manipulator
capable of preforming a series of physical tasks.
2: A self-contained autonomous roving creature
capable of mimicing aspects of known biological
BEAM Robotics: 1: A description of what aspects a
roving robot creature should contain. BEAM is a
double anachronism which stands for Biology,
Electronics, Art and Mechanics, as well as Building,
Evolution, Anarchy and Modularity.
2: A research and education organization dedicated
to promotion and construction of unorthodox, scientific
robotics for fun and real-world application.
The following pages contain specific rules for those competitions
which have at least one BEAM competitor already assembled. Pho-
tographs of these BEAM devices are enclosed but are not meant to
be considered as defacto standards. Please do not copy our
designs, they are examples, not serious competitors. BEAM
creatures shall be considered 'Demo' machines and will not be
formally awarded any prizes, although they will compete against
all comers.
For registration, information, and Olympic rule updates, contact:
Mark Tilden
MFCF, University of Waterloo,
Ontario, Canada.
(519)885-1211 ext.2454 (workdays)
Ed Spike
Electrical Engineering,
University of Waterloo,
Ontario, Canada.
(519)885-1211 ext.2454 (workdays)
A cover charge of $2.00 is asked for cost of copying and postage
of future correspondence. Copies of this Guideline Booklet are
available for $5.00 (North America) and $10.00 (Overseas),
including shipping. Other articles and discussions are available
from the authors, and, barring difficulties, plans and videos may
soon be available. All rights reserved.
BEAM Robot Olympics:
Fall, 1991.
(NB: You are the Entrant, your machine is the Competitor.)
Team Name (if applicable): _____________________________________
Name _________________________________________________ Age _____
Address: Street/apt/town _______________________________________
Country/Zipcode ____________________________________
Name _________________________________________________ Age _____
Address: Street/apt/town _______________________________________
Country/Zipcode ____________________________________
Name _________________________________________________ Age _____
Address: Street/apt/town _______________________________________
Country/Zipcode ____________________________________
(If more team members, please continue on back)
Institute Name (if any): ________________________________________
Name __________________________________________________ Age _____
Behavior (please use point form):________________________________
Please check which BEAM event(s) your entrant may qualify for:
If none of the above, please state what skill best describes your
device: _________________________________________________________
All competitors must have a separate registration form and photo.
A clear color or black and white photograph (ideally 5"x7") of
each competitor is requested for the Olympic Dossier. All photos
become the property of the Olympics organizers and cannot be
returned. All who register will be put on a mailing list and
kept abreast of upcoming events.
Good luck and hope to see you there.
Please return to:
Mark Tilden
MFCF, University of Waterloo
Ontario, Canada
(519)885-1211 x2454
Enclose $2.00 for future mailings, unless you are actively on
Internet, in which case, please enclose your electronic mailing
Internet E-mail Address:
See you there.
Is all.
A reminder of...
The First Annual BEAM Robot Olympics:
Ontario Science Center
October 24th to 27th, 1991
Sponsored by:
IEEE Canada and the University of Waterloo
The BEAM Robot Olympics is not so much a series of technological
competitions as a chance for robot enthusiasts to present their
designs to each other, the press, and the public. It is also a
open forum for anyone who wants to get started in the field to
compete and compare. Any and every robot will be considered so
long as it does not come from a kit or store. Robots of similar
ability will be pitted against each other in simple competitions,
but generally robots will be judged on sophistication of
behavior, novelty of design and quality of hardware.
Basically, if you built it, we'd like to see it.
One of the main aims of the Olympics is to get more people
interested in practical robotics (rather than computer simula-
tions). Thus BEAM, which stands for Biology, Electronics, Art
and Mechanics is a system founded at the University of Waterloo
which allows first time enthusiasts to get started in all these
disciplines. By building one or more self-contained creatures,
anyone can gain the confidence and ability to build a wider range
of robotic devices. There are already BEAM demonstration
creatures for each of the following events:
SOLAROLLER: Self starting robot dragster race.
PHOTOVORE: Robots face a closed 'world' and each other.
HIGH JUMP: Robot creature leaps, lands on feet.
ROPE CLIMBING: First up, first down, self-starting.
LEGGED RACE: Walking creatures run for the money.
INNOVATION MACHINES: Electronic chopsticks, for example.
ROBOART: Mechanical/electronic aesthetics that move.
BEST MODIFIED TOY: Build brains into your Barbie.
ROBOT SUMO: Push an opponent out of a ring.
NANOMOUSE: A smaller and simpler form of the...
MICROMOUSE: Where metal mice race for aluminum cheese.
Rules and Guidelines are available now at a cost of $5.00 for
cost of copying and postage. These include pictures and discus-
sion on some of the Behavior-Based competitors already finished
or under construction at this University. Potential competitors
will be asked to fill out a 'behavior sheet' ahead of time and
competitions will be determined based on the number of competi-
tors. Those in a class by themselves will be given honorable
mention and everybody will be included in the BEAM Olympic port-
The purpose of these Olympics is to stress innovation rather than
competition. We don't want solutions to be engineered, rather we
want to test how your robot(s) will perform in a general environ-
ment. This is in contrast to something like the micromouse com-
petition where the mice perform in a very constrained situation
and under strict rules. All venues are open to the interested,
so grab your soldering iron, raid the junk pile, and we'll see
you there.
For more information on the BEAM Robot Olympics, respond by
E-mail or contact:
Mark Tilden
MFCF, University of Waterloo
Ontario, Canada
(519)885-1211 x2454
The rest of this article concentrates on general competitor
guidelines and the entrance form. If you want to be put on the
real-mail list, please complete and send in the entrance form by
real-mail. Be sure to include a picture of your competitor.
Updates will be posted to this and other relevant groups as they
become available. (This entire post is a cat of three different
files. Sorry if my name appears too often.)
Competition Rules and General Guidelines
Version 1.1
These are the rules and guidelines for the first BEAM Robot Olym-
pics (not to be confused with the Turing Robot Olympics first
held in Scotland, 1990). Although the spirit of the Olympics is
that there are few rules and thus few formal competitions, these
are some guidelines which every competitor should follow. If a
design does not fit these parameters or may but you're not sure,
please contact the organizers for a ruling. Consideration will
be given to very innovative or imaginative designs. The BEAM
Olympics is meant as an informal meeting of mind and critter with
the public and the media. It is hoped that everyone will abide
by this spirit.
All entrants must fill out and send in a separate registration
form for each competitor, a copy of which is included at the end
of this post. A clear color or black and white photograph
(ideally 5"x7") of each competitor is also required for the Olym-
pic Dossier. All photos become the property of the Olympics
organizers and cannot be returned. All who register will be put
on a mailing list and kept abreast of upcoming events.
Note: You are the Entrant, your robot is the Competitor.
RE: Robotic Competitors:
- All devices must be either entirely custom built or a heavily
modified toy. No commercial, store bought or kit robots allowed
without heavy physical modification (software re-writes alone are
not sufficient modification). "Heavy" defined in this case as
permanent structural/electronic additions which extend, replace
or enhance a functional aspect of the device (replace batteries
with solar engine, add functional arms, interface a unique
touch/vision system, etc.).
- All entries should be self-contained or have an option where
they can execute behavior without human intervention. If an entry
must use wall current, it can use only one plug at a nominal
amperage (120 VAC, 3 Amps maximum drain). Any robot which uses a
combustion process will be discouraged for safety reasons, and
will not be allowed to run inside the auditorium.
- Any entry may be disqualified if too large (ie: bigger than a
fridge). The sole reason for this is that display space and power
are limited.
- Any competitor which is obviously of mass-produced, commercial
manufacture and/or performs an obviously commercial task shall
not be considered as a competitor (we don't want this to be a
free advertising opportunity for anyone). Corporate research and
design prototypes are the exception but they must be represented
by their designer at the competition, not by the corporation.
- Any devices made from commercial construction kits (Lego,
Mecanno, etc.) must also feature obviously non-commercial, custom
elements to indicate sufficient intent of innovation.
- No 'violent' competitors will be allowed; that is, no competi-
tor may have a functionally destructive capacity (drills,
cutters, soldering iron, flame-thrower, chainsaw, etc.) although
decorative or whimsical elements along this line are allowed (ie;
waterpistols). Likewise, any competitor which may damage the
competition courses or other competitors will be disqualified.
Competitors may interfere with each other during the course of
simultaneous runs so long as they do not violate the 'no damage'
rule. Any entrant who justly feels his device could be damaged
by another entrant will be respected.
- No competitors can employ biological components (rats, chick-
ens, lemon/potato batteries, Jello, etc.) except by special per-
- Multitalented competitors are allowed and even encouraged, how-
ever such competitors must have been declared ahead of time in
their behavior description.
- Partially finished competitors are allowed to compete so long
as there is some function they can exhibit to show what they may
eventually be capable of.
Again, if you are in doubt as to the validity of your entry,
please contact Mark Tilden or Ed Spike at the University of
Waterloo. Exceptions will be made for particularly imaginative
entries. To be helpful, the following definitions are provided:
Robot: 1: A multi-purpose mechanical manipulator
capable of preforming a series of physical tasks.
2: A self-contained autonomous roving creature
capable of mimicing aspects of known biological
BEAM Robotics: 1: A description of what aspects a
roving robot creature should contain. BEAM is a
double anachronism which stands for Biology,
Electronics, Art and Mechanics, as well as Building,
Evolution, Anarchy and Modularity.
2: A research and education organization dedicated
to promotion and construction of unorthodox, scientific
robotics for fun and real-world application.
The following pages contain specific rules for those competitions
which have at least one BEAM competitor already assembled. Pho-
tographs of these BEAM devices are enclosed but are not meant to
be considered as defacto standards. Please do not copy our
designs, they are examples, not serious competitors. BEAM
creatures shall be considered 'Demo' machines and will not be
formally awarded any prizes, although they will compete against
all comers.
For registration, information, and Olympic rule updates, contact:
Mark Tilden
MFCF, University of Waterloo,
Ontario, Canada.
(519)885-1211 ext.2454 (workdays)
Ed Spike
Electrical Engineering,
University of Waterloo,
Ontario, Canada.
(519)885-1211 ext.2454 (workdays)
A cover charge of $2.00 is asked for cost of copying and postage
of future correspondence. Copies of this Guideline Booklet are
available for $5.00 (North America) and $10.00 (Overseas),
including shipping. Other articles and discussions are available
from the authors, and, barring difficulties, plans and videos may
soon be available. All rights reserved.
BEAM Robot Olympics:
Fall, 1991.
(NB: You are the Entrant, your machine is the Competitor.)
Team Name (if applicable): _____________________________________
Name _________________________________________________ Age _____
Address: Street/apt/town _______________________________________
Country/Zipcode ____________________________________
Name _________________________________________________ Age _____
Address: Street/apt/town _______________________________________
Country/Zipcode ____________________________________
Name _________________________________________________ Age _____
Address: Street/apt/town _______________________________________
Country/Zipcode ____________________________________
(If more team members, please continue on back)
Institute Name (if any): ________________________________________
Name __________________________________________________ Age _____
Behavior (please use point form):________________________________
Please check which BEAM event(s) your entrant may qualify for:
If none of the above, please state what skill best describes your
device: _________________________________________________________
All competitors must have a separate registration form and photo.
A clear color or black and white photograph (ideally 5"x7") of
each competitor is requested for the Olympic Dossier. All photos
become the property of the Olympics organizers and cannot be
returned. All who register will be put on a mailing list and
kept abreast of upcoming events.
Good luck and hope to see you there.
Please return to:
Mark Tilden
MFCF, University of Waterloo
Ontario, Canada
(519)885-1211 x2454
Enclose $2.00 for future mailings, unless you are actively on
Internet, in which case, please enclose your electronic mailing
Internet E-mail Address:
See you there.
Is all.
Mark Tilden: _-_-_-__--__--_ /(glitch!) M.F.C.F Hardware Design Lab.
-_-___ | \ /\/ U of Waterloo. Ont. Can, N2L-3G1
|__-_-_-| \/ (519) - 885 - 1211 ext.2454,