[bionet.molbio.proteins] T cell epitope determination software

nmri%nrl.decnet@NRL3.ARPA ("NRL::NMRI") (07/30/88)

Does anyone in netland have a copy of the Berzofsky algorithm for determining
T cell anitgenic sites based on the primary amino acid sequence that runs on
an IBM-PC or clone that they could e-mail to me or that is available for
anonymous ftp?  I am also interested in other packages using different 
algorithms if they are available.

Thanks in advance,

Mike Dobson                  ARPANET:  nmri@nrl.arpa
Rickettsial Diseases Div.    BITNET:   kyy@nihcudec.BITNET
Naval Medical Resch Inst     PhoneNet: (301)295-0756
Bethesda, MD 20814-5055


My employer nevers knows what I'm thinking so there is no way he could
agree/disagree with my statements!
