[bionet.molbio.proteins] EMBO "protein patterns" workshop

w_taylor@national-institute-for-medical-research.mrc.ac.uk (W. Taylor) (03/17/89)


        will be held at EMBL, Heidelberg, W.Germany,  Oct. 2-4 1989

        Organised by P Argos and W Taylor, in association with EBSA

The workshop will be held over a three day period. On each day there will be
a morning session (9-1) with four one hour lectures and in the evening of the
first two days there will be a session with five speakers giving half hour
talks (7-10).  Afternoons on all three days will be reserved for discussions,
and informal gatherings (for those interested), including practical computer
sessions.   Posible topics include the organisation of motif collections and
mechanisms for encouraging their exchange and distribution.

The current program is as follows:

Day 1 morning:   Experimental aspects of motifs

          A. Klug,      MRC Cambridge, UK;       Zinc fingers
          W. Anderson,  Univ. Alberta, Canada;   DNA repressors
          P. Gruss,     Gottingen, W.Germany;    Homeo box proteins
          A. Dreyfuss,  Northwestern, USA;       RNP repeats

      evening:  Stuructural motifs

      F. Cohen,     UCSF, USA;               AI and motif matching
      A. Jones,     Uppsala, Sweden;         Structural fragment matching
      K. Kirschner, Biozentrum, Switzerland; TIM barrels
      J. Thornton,  Birkbeck, London, UK;    Secondary structure motifs
      S. Fuller,    EMBL, W. Germany;        Virus beta-barrels
      M. Sternberg, ICRF, London, UK;        Tyrosine kinase motifs

Day 2 morning:  Consensus sequences

      D. Eisenberg, UCLA, USA;               Profile matching
      G. Barton,    ICRF, London, UK;        Multiple sequence alignment
      R. Staden,    MRC Cambridge, UK;       Nucleotide sequence patterns
      T. Smith,     Harvard, USA;            Significance of pattern hits

      evening:  Sequence motif matching

      A. Bairoch,   Geneva, Switzerland;     Sequence motifs and PC gene
      J. Devereux,  Wisconsin, USA;          UWGCG and sequence patterns
      D. George,    Brookhaven, USA;         PIR and pattern searching
      I. Dodd,      Adelaide, Australia;     DNA repressor consensus
      S. Wodak,     Brussels, Belgium;       Structure prediction patterns

Day 3 morning:  Motif based model building

      T. Blundell,  Birkbeck, London, UK;    Protein structure frameworks
      F. Richards,  Yale, USA;               Tertiary templates
      C. Chothia,   MRC Cambridge, UK;       Modelling Ig. structures
      T. Gibson,    EMBL, W. Germany;        Modelling DNA-binding motifs

For further information please write to P. Argos at EMBL, Postfach 10.2209,
Meyerhofstrasse 1, 6900 Heidelberg, West Germany.  Applications should arrive
before the end of June. (There is a very linited number of places).