[bionet.molbio.proteins] re UK protein sequence analysis course

N70DJP@poly-east-london.ac.uk (05/29/91)

Terminal is VT100 compatible
$ courscourese

This course will be held at the School of Biological Sciences, University of
Manchester, Stopford Building

The three day course will explore the range and management of databases
and software available for sequence analysis. The course is aimed at
individuals, institutions and companies involved in activities with both
'native' and 'engineered' proteins. The course will cover state-of-the-art
techniques and software packages providing a valuable introduction to those
who are new to the field of biocomputing. In addition it will assist
more experience users to get the best from their software.

The techniques and topics to be covered in the course include

   sequence homology analysis
   rational vaccine design
   hydropathy plots
   use of rational databases
   advantages and limitations of available software packages
   secondary structure and epitope prediction
   workshop sessions which will include familiarisation with
   the SERC Daresbury facility SEQNET

The course fee is 390 pounds.
For further information contact

Dr Linda Magee
Continuing Education & Training
School of Biological Sciences
University of Manchester
Stopford Building
Oxford Road
Tel: 061 275 5737/5072
Fax: 061 275 5600

The course details above are copied from the SEQNET machine at Daresbury
(DL.DLVH). There is a wide range of molecular biology databases,
software and documentation there as a national academic resource, and I
recommend using it while it is still available ( try UIG@DARESBURY for
           Dave Pedder,
(Computer Centre, Poly of East London)