[bionet.molbio.evolution] next issue of J. Mol. Evolution



In the next issue of the Journal of Molecular Evolution:

Molecular evolutionary rates of oncogenes -- Gojogori & Yokomyma

Transitions, transversions, and the molecular evolutionary
 clock -- Jukes

Molecular Evolutionary Clock and the Neutral Theory -- Kimura

Evolution in bacteria: evidence for a universal substitution
 rate in cellular genomes -- Ochman and Wilson

Very slight deleterious mutations and the molecular clock -- Ohta

A simple quantative model of the molecular clock -- Preparata &

DNA hybridization evidence of hominid phylogeny: results from
 expanded data set -- Sibley and Ahlquist

I have also been informed that the issue after this will also 
contain more molecular clock articles.

dan davison (dbd@benden.lanl.gov, dd@lanl.gov, goad.davison@bionet-20)