[bionet.molbio.evolution] Species differences rflps?


From: Winston Hide <LYAGER.HIDE@BIONET-20.ARPA>

Here is the problem:
Two or three different species of starfish. Plentyu of eggs available from each, either as ethanol preserved, or as frozen -80 specimens. Can they be speciated by an analysis of the differences in their restriction maps of mitochondrial DNA? Is there an easier way to do this? Can anyone suggest a good nam to contact in the area of determination of special relatedness by analysis of restriction maps of DNA? There are no cloned DNAs from these fellas, nor is there a library. So anlysis of sequence comparison
s is a no-no. I am not keen on sibley-alquist hybridisatioin homology ( tho I think some conlusions at a highe level may be valid-generally)
	What about rflp analysis? can this be used to do speciation studies?
I would very much like to discuss this problem with a person who has been analysing this area of study. Dream on.....
Thanks for your interest!
Win Hide
Temple University.