[net.micro] info-piracy mailing list


From:  mark thompson <THOMPSON@USC-ECLC.ARPA>

Well, i was going to skip tonight's bonfire, but what the hey...you
can only get burned.

For the sake of argument, lets say that a morality is 'workable' if
you could successfully operate a society where everyone followed that
morality. Clearly, if your actions fail this test, you have a double-
standard somewhere.

Now what happens where you have a user community that cheerfully
steals any software they happen to need? Well, the producers try to
copy-protect it (i bet the record industry would love to copy-protect
records!), which makes it harder to use; then they either raise the
price (to recover their expenses over fewer copies) or make the stuff
cheaper to produce (and usually worse to use); finally, a lot of them
give up.

Conclusion: you can steal the stuff, and they cant stop you. 
However, any moral justifications you have come up with are horse
manure, so stop kidding yourself.
