druby@cip3.ics.uci.edu (Dave Ruby) (12/07/88)
In order to test the capability of some current AI system to deal with real world problem I am currently in search of some real world problems that can be cast into the AI problem solving format. The format is the state space representation, that consists of a start state, a final state, and a sequence of operators that can take you from one state to another. An example of such a problem is the tower of hanoi puzzle, where you have states that consist of 3 pegs and some number of disks on each peg. The operators can move a disk from one peg to another as long as its on top, and the disk on the peg its being moved to is smaller. I am especially interested in problems that can be broken down into partially independent subproblems, where solving the subproblems can influence the ability to solve the other subproblems. Any and all problems, though, will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for any and all help. David Ruby druby@ics.uci.edu -- David Ruby