kristoff@NET.BIO.NET (Dave Kristofferson) (01/28/89)
JB (Feb) Table of Contents JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY Volume 171 February 1989 No. 2 STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Molecular Characterization and Protein Analysis of the cap Region, Which Is Essential for Encapsulation in Bacillus anthracis. Sou-ichi Makino, Ikuo Uchida, Nobuyuki Terakado, Chihiro Sasakawa, and MasanosukeYoshikawa 722-730 Involvement of Multiple Genetic Determinants in High-Level Methicillin Resist- ance in Staphylococcus aureus. Kazuhisa Murakami and Alexander Tomasz 874-879 Molecular Characterization of Phycobilisome Regulatory Mutants of Fremyella diplosiphon. Brigitte U. Bruns, Winslow R. Briggs, and Arthur R. Grossman 901-908 Role of Protein F in Maintaining Structural Integrity of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa Outer Membrane. Naomasa Gotoh, Hirokazu Wakebe, Eisaku Yoshihara, Taiji Nakae, and Takeshi Nishino 983-990 Multiple and Tandemly Arranged Promoters of the Cell Wall Protein Gene Opera- tion on Bacillus brevis 47. Takahiro Adachi, Hideo Yamagata, Norihiro Tsukagoshi, and Shigezo Udaka 1010-1016 Role of the Flagellum in Cell-Cycle-Dependent Expression of Bacteriophage Re- ceptor Activity in Caulobacter crescentus. Robert A. Bender, Clara M. Refson, and Edward A. O'Neill 1035-1040 Cell Wall Mechanical Properties as Measured with Bacterial Thread Made from Bacillus subtilis. Neil H. Mendelson and J. J. Thwaites 1055-1062 Genetic Analysis of Chromosomal Mutations in the Polysialic Acid Gene Cluster of Escherichia coli K1. Eric R. Vimr, Wendy Aaronson, and Richard P. Silver 1106-1117 PLANT MICROBIOLOGY Plasmid-Mediated Production of the Phytotoxin Coronatine in Pseudomonas syrin- gae pv. tomato. Carol L. Bender, Dean K. Malvick, and Robin E. Mitchell 807-812 Ornithine Cyclodeaminase from Octopine Ti Plasmid Ach5: Identification, DNA Sequence, Enzyme Properties, and Comparison with Gene and Enzyme from Nopaline Ti Plasmid C58. Ulrike Schindler, Notker Sans, and Joachim Schroder 847-854 Rhizobium meliloti fixGHI Sequence Predicts Involvement of a Specific Cation Pump in Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation. Daniel Kahn, Michel David, Odile Domergue, Marie-Line Daveran, Jyotsna Ghai, Penelope R. Hirsch, and Jacques Batut 929-939 Cotranscription of Genes Encoding Indoleacetic Acid Production in Pseudomonas syringae subsp. savastanoi. Curtis J. Palm, Thomas Gaffney, and Tsune Kosuge 1002-1009 Immunological Characterization of Rhizobium leguminosarum Outer Membrane Antigens by Use of Polyclonal and Monoclonal Antibodies. Ruud A. de Maagd, Roel de Rijk, Ine H. M. Mulders, and Ben J. J. Lugtenberg 1136-1142 Isolation and Characterization of Mutants of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae 248 with Altered Lipopolysaccharides: Possible Role of Surface Charge or Hydrophobicity in Bacterial Release from the Infection Thread. Ruud A. de Maagd, Anuradha S. Rao, Ine H. M. Mulders, Leentje Goosen-de Roo, Mark C. M. van Loosdrecht, Carel A. Wijffelman, and Ben J. J. Lugten- berg 1143-1150 Localization and Symbiotic Function of a Region on the Rhizobium leguminosarum Sym Plasmid pRL1JI Responsible for a Secreted, Flavonoid-Inducible 50-Kil- odalton Protein. Ruud A. de Maagd, Herman P. Spaink, Elly Pees, Ine H. M. Mulders, Andre Wijfjes, Carel A. Wijffelman, Robert J. H. Okker, and Ben J. J. Lugtenberg 1151-1157 GENETICS AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY rhs Gene Family of Escherichia coli K-12. Alesia B. Sadosky, Andrew Davidson, Ren-Jang Lin, and Charles W. Hill 636-642 SecA Protein Autogenously Represses Its Own Translation during Normal Protein Secretion in Escherichia coli. Michael G. Schmidt and Donald B. Oliver 643-649 Transformation-Deficient Mutants of Piliated Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Gour D. Biswas, Sanford A. Lacks, and P. Frederick Sparling 657-664 Overinitiation of Replication of the Escherichia coli Chromosome from an Inte- grated Runaway-Replication Derivative of Plasmid R1. Rolf Bernander, Andrew Merryweather, and Kurt Nordstrom 674-683 Regulation of Transcription of the Bacillus subtilis spoIIA Locus. Jiunn-Jong Wu, Mary Gaukler Howard, and Patrick J. Piggot 692-698 A Bacillus cereus Cytolytic Determinant, Cereolysin AB, Which Comprises the Phospholipase C and Sphingomyelinase Genes: Nucleotide Sequence and Genetic Linkage. Michael S. Gilmore, Armando L. Cruz-Rodz, Michaela Leimeister-Wachter, Jurgen Kreft, and Werner Goebel 744-753 Demonstration, Characterization, and Mutational Analysis of NahR Protein Bind- ing to nah and sal Promoters. Mark A. Schell and Elizabeth Faris Poser 837-846 Multiple Pathways for Repair of Hydrogen Peroxide-Induced DNA Damage in Escherichia coli. Michael E. Hagensee and Robb E. Moses 991-995 Physical and Genetic Map of the Major nif Gene Cluster from Azotobacter vine- landii. Marty R. Jacobson, Kevin E. Brigle, Lisa T. Bennett, Robert A. Setterquist, Mark S. Wilson, Valerie L. Cash, Jim Beynon, William E. Newton, and Dennis R. Dean 1017-1027 Genetic Characterization of Frameshift Suppressors with New Decoding Proper- ties. Diarmaid Hughes, Shahla Thompson, Michael O'Connor, Therese Tuohy, Brian P. Nichols, and John F. Atkins 1028-1034 A recB recC sbcB recJ Host Prevents recA-Independent Deletions in Recombinant Cosmid DNA Propagated in Escherichia coli. Masahiro Ishiura, Nobuyoshi Hazumi, Tsuyoshi Koide, Tsuyoshi Uchida, and Yoshio Okada 1068-1074 An rpoN-Like Gene of Alcaligenes eutrophus and Pseudomonas facilis Controls Expression of Diverse Metabolic Pathways, Including Hydrogen Oxidation. Detlef Romermann, Jurgen Warrelmann, Robert A. Bender, and Barbel Friedrich 1093-1099 Point Mutations in the Regulatory Region of the ilvGMEDA Operon of Escherichia coli K-12. Robert P. Lawther 1188-1191 Construction of an Ordered Cosmid Collection of the Escherichia coli K-12 W3110 Chromosome. Satoshi Tabata, Atsushi Higashitani, Mituru Takanami, Kiyotaka Akiyama, Yuji Kohara, Yukinobu Nishimura, Akiko Nishimura, Seiichi Yasuda, and Yukinori Hirota 1214-1218 Bacillus subtilis Phenylalanyl-tRNA Synthetase Genes: Cloning and Expression in Escherichia coli and B. subtilis. Axel A. Brakhage, Harald Putzer, Kamran Shazand, Robert J. Roschenthaler, and Marianne Grunberg-Manago 1228-1232 PLASMIDS AND TRANSPOSONS Structure and Function of Conjugative Pili: Inducible Synthesis of Functional F Pili by Escherichia coli K-12 Containing a lac-tra Operon Fusion. Trudy H. Grossman and Philip M. Silverman 650-656 Identification and Cloning of the Conjugative Transfer Region of Staphylococcus aureus Plasmid pGO1. William D. Thomas, Jr., and Gordon L. Archer 684-691 DNA Bending Near the Replication Origin of IncFII Plasmid NR1. Xinnian Dong, Kenneth P. Rouillard, David D. Womble, and Robert H. Rownd 703-707 Site-Specific Recombination at oriT of Plasmid R1162 in the Absence of Conjuga- tive Transfer. Richard Meyer 799-806 Effect of Degradative Plasmid CAM-OCT on Responses of Pseudomonas Bacteria to UV Light. Dani L. McBeth 975-982 DNA Sequence, Products, and Transcriptional Pattern of the Genes Involved in Production of the DNA Replication Inhibitor Microcin B17. Olga Genilloud, Felipe Moreno, and Roberto Kolter 1126-1135 Replication and Segregational Stability of Bacillus Plasmid pBAA1. Kevin M. Devine, Stephane T. Hogan, Desmond G. Higgins, and David J. McConnell 1166-1172 EUCARYOTIC CELLS Roles of Glycerol and Glycerol-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (NAD+) in Acquired Osmotolerance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Anders Blomberg and Lennart Adler 1087-1092 CELL SURFACES Iron Regulation of Swarmer Cell Differentiation of Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Linda McCarter and Michael Silverman 731-736 Permeability of Rickettsia prowazekii to NAD. William H. Atkinson and Herbert H. Winkler 761-766 The Mature Portion of Escherichia coli Maltose-Binding Protein (MBP) Deter- mines the Dependence of MBP on SecB for Export. Pamela M. Gannon, Ping Li, and Carol A. Kumamoto 813-818 Channel Architecture in Maltoporin: Dominance Studies with lamB Mutations In- fluencing Maltodextrin Binding Provide Evidence for Independent Selectivity Filters in Each Subunit. Thomas Ferenci and Kin-Sang Lee 855-861 Plasmid-Determined Inducible Efflux Is Responsible for Resistance to Cadmium, Zinc, and Cobalt in Alcaligenes eutrophus. Dietrich H. Nies and Simon Silver 896-900 Cloning, Nucleotide Sequence, and Characterization of Genes Encoding the Secre- tion Function of the Pasteurella haemolytica Leukotoxin Determinant. Craig A. Strathdee and Reggie Y.C. Lo 916-928 Biosynthesis of Linkage Units for Teichoic Acids in Gram-Positive Bacteria: Distribution of Related Enzymes and Their Specificities for UDP-Sugars and Lipid-Linked Intermediates. Kohei Yokoyama, Hiroyuki Mizuguchi, Yoshio Araki, Shunji Kaya, and Eiji Ito 940-946 Insertion proQ220::Tn5 Alters Regulation of Proline Porter II, a Transporter of Proline and Glycine Betaine in Escherichia coli. Jocelyn L. Milner and Janet M. Wood 947-951 Increase of Ornithine Amino Lipid Content in a Sulfonolipid-Deficient Mutant of Cytophaga johnsonae. Thomas P. Pitta, Edward R. Leadbetter, and Walter Godchaux III 952-957 Isolation of an Ammonium or Methylammonium Ion Transport Mutant of Esche- richia coli and Complementation by the Cloned Gene. A. Jayakumar, Sung J. Hwang, John M. Fabiny, A. Craig Chinault, and Eugene M. Barnes, Jr. 996-1001 Translation and Processing of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Extracellular RNase. C. J. Paddon, N. Vasantha, and R. W. Hartley 1185-1187 Wide Distribution of Homologs of Escherichia coli Kdp K+-ATPase among Gram- Negative Bacteria. Mark O. Walderhaug, E. David Litwack, and Wolfgang Epstein 1192-1195 Uptake and Acylation of 2-Acyl-Lysophospholipids by Escherichia coli. Li Hsu, Suzanne Jackowski, and Charles O. Rock 1203-1205 PHYSIOLOGY AND METABOLISM Expression and Nucleotide Sequence of the Lactobacillus bulgaricus beta- Galactosidase Gene Cloned in Escherichia coli. Brian F. Schmidt, Robin M. Adams, Carol Requadt, Scott Power, and Stanley E. Mainzer 625-635 Buoyant Density, Growth Rate, and the Cell Cycle in Streptococcus faecium. David Glaser and Michael Higgins 669-673 Sulfide Induction of Synthesis of a Periplasmic Protein in the Cyanobacterium Oscillatoria limnetica. B. Arieli, B. Binder, Y. Shahak, and E. Padan 699-702 Nostoc commune UTEX 584 Gene Expressing Indole Phosphate Hydrolase Activity in Escherichia coli. Wen-Qin Xie, Brian A. Whitton, J. William Simon, Karin Jager, Deborah Reed, and Malcolm Potts 708-713 Identification and Isolation of Genes Essential for H Oxidation in Rhodobacter capsulatus. Hong-wu Xu, Jean Love, Roberto Borghese, and Judy D. Wall 714-721 Correlation between Histidine Operon Expression and Guanosine 5'-Diphosphate- 3'-Diphosphate Levels during Amino Acid Downshift in Stringent and Re- laxed Strains of Salmonella typhimurium. Richard F. Shand, Paul H. Blum, Reinhold D. Mueller, Daniel L. Riggs, and Stanley W. Artz 737-743 Cloning, Characterization, and Expression in Escherichia coli of the Strepto- myces clavuligerus Gene Encoding Deacetoxycephalosporin C Synthetase. Steven Kovacevic, Barbara J. Weigel, Matthew B. Tobin, Thomas D. Ingolia, and James R. Miller 754-760 Cloning, Sequencing, and Characterization of the Principal Acid Phosphatase, the phoC+ Product, from Zymomonas mobilis. J. L. Pond, C. K. Eddy, Kylie F. Mackenzie, T. Conway, D.J. Borecky, and L.O. Ingram 767-774 Nucleotide Sequence and Transcriptional Organization of the Escherichia coli Enterobactin Biosynthesis Cistrons entB and entA. Mary Schrodt Nahlik, Timothy J. Brickman, Bradley A. Ozenberger and Mark A. McIntosh 784-790 Nucleotide Sequence of a Cluster of Escherichia coli Enterobactin Biosynthesis Genes: Identification of entA and Purification of Its Product 2,3-Dihydro-2,3- Dihydroxybenzoate Dehydrogenase. Jun Liu, Kenneth Duncan, and Christopher T. Walsh 791-798 L-1,2-Propanediol Exits More Rapidly Than @@@l-Lactaldehyde from Escherichia coli. Y. Zhu and E.C.C. Lin 862-867 A Second Global Regulator Gene (arcB) Mediating Repression of Enzymes in Aerobic Pathways of Escherichia coli. S. Iuchi, D.C. Cameron, and E.C.C. Lin 868-873 In Vitro Protein Synthesis by the Moderate Halophile Vibrio costicola: Site of Action of Cl- Ions. C.G. Choquet, M. Kamekura, and D.J. Kushner 880-886 Cloning and Heterologous Expression in Streptomyces lividans of Streptomyces rimosus Genes Involved in Oxytetracycline Biosynthesis. C. Binnie, M. Warren, and M.J. Butler 887-895 Salinity-Stress-Induced Proteins in Two Nitrogen-Fixing Anabaena Strains Differentially Tolerant to Salt. Shree Kumar Apte and Arvind A. Bhagwat 909-915 Mechanism for Iron-Regulated Transcription of the Escherichia coli cir Gene: Metal-Dependent Binding of Fur Protein to the Promoters. David W. Griggs and Jordan Konisky 1048-1054 Modulation of Alcohol Dehydrogenase Isoenzyme Levels in Zymomonas mobilis by Iron and Zinc. Kylie F. Mackenzie, C.K. Eddy, and L.O. Ingram 1063-1067 Nucleotide Sequence and Mutational Analysis of the Structural Genes (anfHDGK) for the Second Alternative Nitrogenase from Azotobacter vinelandii. Rolf D. Joerger, Marty R. Jacobson, R. Premakumar, Elizabeth D. Wolfinger, and Paul E. Bishop 1075-1086 Cascading Regulation of Histidase Activity in Streptomyces griseus. Terry A. Kroening and Kathleen E. Kendrick 1100-1105 Mechanism of L-Glutamate Transport in Membrane Vesicles from Bacillus stearo- thermophilus. W. de Vrij, R. A. Bulthuis, P. R. van Iwaarden, and W.N. Konings 1118-1125 Effect of Mutations in the Cyclic AMP Receptor Protein-Binding Site on araBAD and araC Expression. Lori Stoltzfus and Gary Wilcox 1178-1184 Induction of the Alkylation-Inducible aidB Gene of Escherichia coli by Anaero- biosis. Michael R. Volkert, Laurel I. Hajec, and Dinh C. Nguyen 1196-1198 Regulation of Luminescence by Cyclic AMP in cya-Like and crp-Like Mutants of Vibrio fischeri. Paul V. Dunlap 1199-1202 Nucleotide Sequence and Transcriptional Analysis of the Streptomyces griseus Gene (afsA) Responsible for A-Factor Biosynthesis. Sueharu Horinouchi, Hideki Suzuki, Makoto Nishiyama, and Teruhiko Beppu 1206-1210 Spermidine Synthesis by Pseudomonas sp. Strain Kim, Previously Reported to Lack This Polyamine. Carmen L. Rosano, Catherine B. Braun, and Charles Hurwitz 1223-1224 ENZYMES AND PROTEINS Isolation of a Third Lipoamide Dehydrogenase from Pseudomonas putida. Gayle Burns, Pamela J. Sykes, Kenneth Hatter, and John R. Sokatch 665-668 Gliding Motility in Myxococcus xanthus: mgl Locus, RNA, and Predicted Protein Products. Karen Stephens, Patricia Hartzell, and Dale Kaiser 819-830 Randomly Induced Escherichia coli K-12 Tn5 Insertion Mutants Defective in Hydrogenase Activity. Karel Stoker, L. Fred Oltmann, and Adriaan H. Stouthamer 831-836 Purification and Some Properties of Carbon Monoxide Dehydrogenase from Acinetobacter sp. Strain JC1 DSM 3803. Kwang S. Kim, Young T. Ro, and Young M. Kim 958-964 Two Highly Related Insecticidal Crystal Proteins of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki Possess Different Host Range Specificities. William R. Widner and H. R. Whiteley 965-974 Purification and Properties of Glutamine Synthetase from the Non-N2-Fixing Cyanobacterium Phormidium laminosum. Fernando Blanco, Aitor Alana, Maria J. Llama, and Juan L. Serra 1158-1165 Purification and Properties of Glutathione Transferase from Issatchenkia orientalis. Hisanori Tamaki, Hidehiko Kumagai, and Tatsurokuro Tochikura 1173-1177 Cloning and Expression in Escherichia coli of an Extremely Thermostable Oligo- 1,6-Glucosidase Gene from Bacillus thermoglucosidasius. Kunihiko Watanabe, Hidekatsu Iha, Atsuhiro Ohashi, and Yuzuru Suzuki 1219-1222 Fragments of Prochymosin Produced in Escherichia coli Form Insoluble Inclusion Bodies. Michael T. McCaman 1225-1227 POPULATION GENETICS AND EVOLUTION Nucleotide Sequence of Escherichia coli Isochorismate Synthetase Gene entC and Evolutionary Relationship of Isochorismate Synthetase and Other Chorismate- Utilizing Enzymes. Bradley A. Ozenberger, Timothy J. Brickman, and Mark A. McIntosh 775-783 Evolutionary Relationship between the TonB-Dependent Outer Membrane Transport Proteins: Nucleotide and Amino Acid Sequences of the Escherichia coli Colicin I Receptor Gene. Cynthia D. Nau and Jordan Konisky 1041-1047 Evolutionary Trees for the Genus Bordetella. Stephen F. Altschul 1211-1213 ERRATUM Escherichia coli F41 Adhesin: Genetic Organization, Nucleotide Sequence, and Homology with the K88 Determinant. Denise G. Anderson and Steve L. Moseley 1233 Date of Issue: 30 January 1989