kristoff@NET.BIO.NET (Dave Kristofferson) (02/08/89)
Computer Applications in the Biosciences CONTENTS Volume 5 number 1 (1989) TI: The elucidation of protein function by sequence motif analysis AU: Hodgman-TC SO: Comp-App-Biosci. 1989 Feb: 5(1): 1-14 TI: EMBOPRO-an automatically generated protein sequence database AU: Stulich-R; Rohde-K SO: Comp-App-Biosci. 1989 Feb: 5(1): 15-18 TI: A simple add-on algorithm to extend one-dimensional finite difference diffusion calculations to include charge coupling AU: Dibdin-GH SO: Comp-App-Biosci. 1989 Feb: 5(1): 19-26 TI: Chaos: principles and implications in biology AU: Tsonis-PA; Tsonis-AA SO: Comp-App-Biosci. 1989 Feb: 5(1): 27-32 TI: The frequency of oligonucleotides in mammalian genic regions AU: Volinia-S; Gambari-R; Bernardi-F; Barrai-I SO: Comp-App-Biosci. 1989 Feb: 5(1): 33-40 TI: A compact, flexible and cheap system for acquiring sequence data from autoradiograms with a digitizer and transferring it to an arbitrary host computer AU: Sjorberg-S; Carlsson-P; Enerback-S; Bjursell-G SO: Comp-App-Biosci. 1989 Feb: 5(1): 41-46 TI: SDSE: A software package to simulate the evolution of a pair of DNA sequences AU: Oliver-JL; Marin-A; Medina- J SO: Comp-App-Biosci. 1989 Feb: 5(1): 47-50 TI: MULTAN (2), A multiple string alignment program for nucleic acids and proteins AU: Bains-W SO: Comp-App-Biosci. 1989 Feb: 5(1): 51-52 TI: CLEAVAGE: a microcomputer program for predicting signal sequence cleavage sites AU: Pascarella-S; Bossa-F SO: Comp-App-Biosci. 1989 Feb: 5(1): 53-54 TI: A computer program for the generation of problems in genetics for teaching purposes AU: Micol-JL SO: Comp-App-Biosci. 1989 Feb: 5(1): 55 TI: Using Lotus 1-2-3 to determine correlation of linearly related method comparison data AU: Gasperini-R SO: Comp-App-Biosci. 1989 Feb: 5(1): 56 Miscellaneous UPDATE: News and Views p59 / Production Information p63 BOOK REVIEW: Numerical Methods, With Applications in the Biomedical Sciences p77 SOFTWARE REVIEWS: Recombinant Toolkit / MultiStat / MathCad 2.0 / LITREF V / ASSAYZAP / Universal Assay Calculator / ChemIntosh Desk Accessory p79