[bionet.molbio.methds-reagnts] Product evaluations



     Is there any interest in a "Consumer's Reports" bulletin board which
would report about the quality of commercial research products?  Should such
information be incorporated in the Methods-and-Reagents bulletin board?  Some
examples of what might be included are:

1. I recently purchased a Techne Tempette Thermoregulator/Refrigerated Bath
(Model TE-8D/RB-12).  The refrigeration unit was non-functional.  I had to
return it to New Jersey for repairs.  After months of letters, phone calls,
shipping fees, etc., the unit was returned.  Then the motor on the circulator
burned out.  After another month of waiting, it was returned.  Then the
refrigeration unit began to intermittently stop cooling, even though the unit
stayed on.  I have given up dealing with the company, and I am trying to get
it repaired locally.  I just wanted to warn anyone who is contemplating
purchase of this model.
2. The Thermolyne Maxi Mix II vortex mixer is worse than worthless.  It
changes speeds at random, and frequently gets stuck in the "on" position. 
Severe pounding will occasionally correct the problem.
3. Elkay 1.5ml microfuge tubes (cat. #. 000-MICR-150) lot No. J2665 have a
high frequency of defects which lead to leakage and breakage during
4. Would anyone care to comment on the relative merits of Sequenase?

If you are tired of wasting your hard-earned research dollars on equipment and
supplies which just don't measure up, or just want to find out other people's
experiences before trying something new, please speak up.


From: David Kristofferson <Kristofferson@BIONET-20.ARPA>

My reservation about this type of message is that I do not want to get
BIONET involved in potential lawsuits if a manufacturer decides that
someone is libeling their product.  Unfortunately messages sent to
bulletin boards are not always accompanied by disclaimers, etc., and
some very bad misrepresentations may occur if someone has a particular
axe to grind.  We have enough work to do right now without involving
the staff in refereeing fights.  BIONET set up bboards for commercial
molecular biology software packages, but these were set up in such a
way that all submissions would be screened by the companies in
advance.  Although this smacks of censorship, this kind of caution is


				Dave Kristofferson
				BIONET Resource Manager




From: David Kristofferson <Kristofferson@BIONET-20.ARPA>

A P.S. - There is, of course, nothing wrong with someone asking for
opinions about a particular product but we'd appreciate it if
responses were directed just to the individual requestor.
