[bionet.molbio.methds-reagnts] pATH vectors

hill@NET.BIO.NET (John Hill) (08/26/89)

As the engineers of the pATH vectors, we are currently writing an
article for Meth. Enz. on their use.  (The pATH vectors are used by
many people to generate TrpE-fusion proteins for making antibodies to
the protein/predicted protein products of their favorite genes.)  If
you or any of your colleagues have used or are using these vectors and
have any hints or modifications of the original protocols that you
would like to share, please send them AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to either
T.J.  Koerner or John Edward Hill via one of the routes listed below.
As an added inducement, I (JEH) will send a preprint of the manuscript
to any lab that contributes useful information.

Thank you!

John Edward Hill              Alexander Tzagoloff
T.J. Koerner                  Alan Myers

John Edward Hill              Department of Biological Sciences
hill@net.bio.net              Carnegie Mellon University
jh5f+@andrew.cmu.edu          4400 Fifth Avenue
412-268-5122                  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  15213-3890  USA

T.J. Koerner
FAX: 404-321-4669