I am working on a project where the main interest is the isolation and restriction of genomic DNA of cultured human melanocyts. I would like to look for the genomic situation of the NF1 gene by restriction and PCR, respectively. The conventional methods of isolating DNA (ProtK, phenol extraction; high salt) failed because of the high melanin content of our cultured cells. Even isolated nuclei (tested under lightmicroscopy) did not allow to isolate pure DNA. The DNA containing solution is allways yellow or even dark brown due to the melanin conntent. The DNA is of poor quality for my investigations because neither restrictionenzymes cut the DNA efficently nor could-PCR products be obtained. We believe that the contamination with melanin are responsible for these problems. Does any body know how to get pure DNA from cultured primary human melanocytes who produce a lot of melanin ??? mail: Dr. Thomas Fink Dept. Human Genetics Albert-Einstein-Allee 11 7900 Ulm/Donau Germany phone: 0731 176-3247 BITNET: FINK@DULRUU51