Hello Netlanders, I am posting this for a friend who doesn't have net access. Please reply either directly to him (address under) or I can relay any info Emailed to me. Dr. Steven Djordjevic is working at the New South Wales dept of Agricultre Research Institute, and has some questions regarding the gram positive bacteria Bacillus larvae (which infects bee hives). 1) Does anybody know how well gram positive bacterial transcriptional/ translational signals are interpreted in a gram negative bacground like E.coli? 2) Are there any useful systems for propogating gram pos. plasmids in a model organism? 3) Does anybody know how gram positive strains might be (heat) cured of plasmids they are carrying? In this case, a plasmid of about 9 kb. 4) Are there any useful systems for transposon mutagenesis of gram pos. organisms? Thanking you in advance for any replies. ******************************************************************************** Dr Steven Djordjevic, NSW Dept Agriculture and Fisheries PMB 8 Camden 2570 NSW AUSTRALIA phone + 61 46 293349 fax + 61 46 293300 or EMAIL to me Dr Jeremy Weinman (note zero not O. Mail to will also get to me) ********************************************************************************