[bionet.molbio.methds-reagnts] nothern problems

bourson@jouy.inra.fr (Claude Bourson) (03/15/91)

Northern blot on nylon membrane or nitrocellulose membrane.

I have problems to transfert RNA on membrane after using Glyoxal/DMSO
denaturing agarose electrophoresis.system.
RNA seems to have good electrophoresis behaviour, but I am not able to
hybridize it after transfert on Nylon membrane (Amersham Hybond N+).
If you are familiar with northern after Glyoxal/DMSO electrophoresis,I would gre
   atly appreciate to have more explanation on the techniques you use, and more
details on the type of membrane (nitrocellulose, nylon ...) which works well.

Reply at    bourson@jouy.inra.fr

or M Claude BOURSON
   INSA  406
   20 av. Albert EINSTEIN
   F- 69621 Villeurbanne cedex


kim@m44.unm.edu (03/18/91)

In article <9103181117.AA01788@genbank.bio.net>, bourson@jouy.inra.fr (Claude Bourson) writes:
>Northern blot on nylon membrane or nitrocellulose membrane.
>I have problems to transfert RNA on membrane after using Glyoxal/DMSO
>denaturing agarose electrophoresis.system.
>RNA seems to have good electrophoresis behaviour, but I am not able to
>hybridize it after transfert on Nylon membrane (Amersham Hybond N+).
>If you are familiar with northern after Glyoxal/DMSO electrophoresis,I would gre
>   atly appreciate to have more explanation on the techniques you use, and more
>details on the type of membrane (nitrocellulose, nylon ...) which works well.

As a guess, I am wondering if the glyoxal adducts on the RNA are interfering
with hybridization.  These adducts have to be removed from the RNA after
electrophoresis by alkali treatment before blotting (I think pH 8 is
necessary), otherwise, they continue to perform their function of preventing
base pairing.
Daniel Kim