[bionet.molbio.methds-reagnts] Radioanalytic imaging system

HRMBDKC@hkumd1.hku.hk (05/29/91)

Our dept. wishes to buy a radioanalytic imaging system for scanning gels
and TLC plates with samples labelled with 32P, 14C, 35S, or 3H.
We have now received offers from several companies and have to choose.
We would like opinions about these machines as to their sensitivity,
reliability, running costs, speed of operation and ease of use from anyone
who has experience with any one of them. The machines on offer are:
1] Berthold LB286
2] Molecular Dynamics Phosphor Imager, laser scanning module
3] AMBIS radioanalytic imaging system
Berthold is the only one which can scan 3H on TLC plates but we may sacrifice
this option if the other machines are superior in other respects. It is als
the most expensive.
Any replies gratefully received.
Kathy Cheah
Biochemistry Dept.,
Hong Kong University,
Sassoon Rd.,
Hong Kong.