[bionet.molbio.methds-reagnts] automated DNA sequencing..MRC programs


	Several individuals have requested info regarding the MRC programs
I mentioned in my recent posting in reference to Automated DNA Sequencing
	Briefly, these programs take the ABI or Pharmacia analized data
( sequences and graphics ) and place them in a form which can be entered
into the Staden Sequence Alignment Program (SAP) [the unix version is XDAP].
	Once a contig is formed it can be edited by viewing the ABI graphic 
output and proof reading directly on the SPARCstation.  Over the past 10 
years, Staden, et al have developed a series of programs for sequence
alignment and analysis for the VAX.  They now have ported these to the 
SPARCstation and added a sequence editor and a X-windows graphic display
program which can deal with the output from both ABI and Pharmacia
fluorescent sequencing instruments.

	Over the past 10 years, Staden has published many papers describing
is programs which are available for the VAX/VMS and his recent port to the 
SUN UNIX O/S and the fluorescent sequencing instrument data analysis programs
will be described in an upcoming Nucleic Acids Research publication.

	Staden's e-mail address is:


but be warned, he sometimes is very slow in replying to e-mail.  
You also may wish to contact Rick Wilson at Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo.


Rick and the group at Wash.U are sequencing the C. elegans genome
in a collaboration with the MRC group and he'll know the latest on the
MRC programs since these programs also were developed as part of this

Cheers and hope this is helpful to you'all
 \  Bruce A. Roe                    INTERNET: BROE@aardvark.ucs.uoknor.edu  /
 /  Dept. of Chem. and Biochem.     BITNET:   BROE@uokucsvx                 \
 \  University of Oklahoma          AT&TNET:  405-325-4912 or 405-325-7610  /
 /  620 Parrington Oval, Rm 208     FAXnet:   405-325-6111                  \
 \  Norman, Oklahoma 73019          ICBMnet:  35deg 14min N, 97deg 27min W  \