[bionet.molbio.seqnet] Reply to BB message

jrl%life@LANL.GOV (02/23/88)

From: jrl%life@LANL.GOV (John Lawton)

Dear Dr. McClure,

I am responding to your SEQNET bulletin board request for a list of codon
frequency.  This information comes from the LiMB (LIsting of Molecular Biology 
databases) database at Los Alamos Nat'l Lab.  It is a directory of molecular
biology and related databases.  We have no entries for codon frequency of
plants in particular, but hopefully the CUTG database will help you out.
The first set of entries is a description of the LiMB entries line by line.
The information for CUTG follows that.

We will be distributing LiMB free of charge in the next week or so.  If you
would like a copy of it, please send me an e-mail message and let me know 
through which medium you like to receive it  1)e-mail  2)PC floppy disk or


                                      John Lawton, LiMB Administrator
                                      Electronic mail address: limb@lanl.gov
                                      Telephone: (505) 667-9455

                                      LiMB Database
                                      T-10, Mail Stop K710
                                      Los Alamos National Laboratory
                                      Los Alamos, NM  87545

entry       AAAAAAAA (Name of entry.)
number      Number that will always be associated with a given data bank.
history     History of entry.
status      (tentative-know about; known-no form back; response-form returned).
res.nam     Name of respondent.
res.add     Address of respondent.
res.tel     Telephone number of respondent (as dialed in U.S.A.)
res.net     Network address of respondent.
gen.nam     Name for general inquiry.
gen.add     Address for general inquiry.
gen.tel     Telephone number for general inquiry (as dialed in U.S.A.)
gen.net     Network address for general inquiry.
con.nam     Name for contributing data.
con.add     Address for contributing data.
con.tel     Telephone number for contributing data (as dialed in U.S.A.)
con.net     Network address for contributing data.
acc.nam     Name for acquiring data.
acc.add     Address for acquiring data.
acc.tel     Telephone number for acquiring data (as dialed in U.S.A.)
acc.net     Network address for acquiring data.
name.now    Name of database.
name.alt    Alternative names of database.
name.bad    Obsolete/incorrect names of database.
source      Source of data in database.
collab.in   Formal collaborators for collection of data.
collab.ou   Formal collaborators for distribution of data.
funding     Funding base for data bank.
citation    Recent publications describing database and/or data bank.
charter     Formal or informal charter of database effort.
cross       Other databases to which this database is cross-referenced.
data.pri    Primary data items in the database.
data.sec    Secondary data items in the database.
hardware    Hardware the data are maintained on.
operate     Operating system hardware is run under.
dbms        Software system used for maintaining data.
language    Programming language used for software system.
format      Format used for distributed flat text files.
software    Software that is distributed with the database.
access      Limitations on access to data.
update      Frequency of database updates.
con.onl     Can contributions be made to database on-line?
con.mag     Can contributions be made to database on magnetic tape?
con.flp     Can contributions be made to database on floppy disk?
con.elm     Can contributions be made to database by electronic mail?
con.pap     Can contributions be name to database on hardcopy?
acc.onl     Is database distributed on-line?
acc.mag     Is database distributed on magnetic tape?
acc.flp     Is database distributed on floppy disk?
acc.elm     Is database distributed on electronic mail?
acc.pap     Is database distributed on hardcopy?
byt.all     Number of bytes contained in the database.
byt.pri     Number of bytes contained in primary data items in the database.
ent.pri     Number of entries (single primary data items with associated
            secondary data items) in the database.
comment     -
entry       CUTG
number      00005
history     cb 01/28/87 response received from T.Ikemura
            fm 04/06/87 initial entry
status      response
res.nam     Toshimichi Ikemura
res.add     National Institute of Genetics
            Mishima, Shizuoka 411
res.tel     [011-81] 559-75-0771, ext. 355
res.net     -
gen.nam     Toshimichi Ikemura
gen.add     National Institute of Genetics
            Mishima, Shizuoka 411
gen.tel     [011-81] 559-75-0771, ext. 355
gen.net     -
con.nam     Toshimichi Ikemura
con.add     National Institute of Genetics
            Mishima, Shizuoka 411
con.tel     [011-81] 559-75-0771, ext. 355
con.net     -
acc.nam     Toshimichi Ikemura
acc.add     National Institute of Genetics
            Mishima, Shizuoka 411
acc.tel     [011-81] 559-75-0771, ext. 355
acc.net     -
name.now    Codon Usage Tabulation from GENBANK
name.alt    CUTG
name.bad    -
source      other database (GENBANK)
collab.in   -
collab.ou   -
funding     National Institute of Genetics (Japan)
citation    Maruyama,T., Gojobori,T., Aota,S. and Ikemura,T. (1986)
            Codon usage tabulated from the GenBank genetic sequence data.
            <Nucl. Acids Res.> 14, r151-r197.
charter     CUTG is a tabulation of codon usages in all available genes
            from GENBANK.
cross       -
data.pri    codon usage.
data.sec    [GENBANK] cross-references.
hardware    FACOM
operate     OSIV/F4 MSP
dbms        -
language    FORTRAN
format      -
software    -
access      no limitations
update      every six months
con.onl     no
con.mag     yes
con.flp     yes
con.elm     no
con.pap     yes
acc.onl     no
acc.mag     yes
acc.flp     no
acc.elm     no
acc.pap     yes
byt.all     560,000
byt.pri     330,000
ent.pri     1,700
comment     -