Netlandians, A couple local vendors swear they can sell us (1) A Seiko micro, and (2) a Tandy 2000 that will (1) Drive a 20 meg hard disk, (2) support 3 to 7 dumb terminals simultaneously, (3) Also support a spooler printer at the same time, spooling files for any of the users, (4) Provide the capability for one user to write to a file while the other(s) can simultaneously read that same file (no lockout required), and (5) provide different levels of read/write protection for files. This is news to me! Anybody know of such a multiuser capability on the Seiko product line or the Tandy 2000? I thought the Seiko was a cheap IBM PC look-alike, not too compatible but cheap; and the Tandy 2000 was very nice but incompatible and totally single-user. Would appreciate info. Thanks in advance, David Kirschbaum Toad Hall ABN.ISCAMS@USC-ISID