qnp@SAGE.CC.PURDUE.EDU (vinod kutty) (01/17/90)
Richard, doesnt it bug the crap out of you when you think you are doing everything right and your plants just wont grow, especially when you hear of a friend's friend who has a Rotala under just one cool white and it is growing like crazy? Your friend, whoever, he is should consider himself lucky. But I have a feeling that his Rotala in the hex must get atleast 2-3 hours of GOOD light. I cant see any other way a red plant could grow so well. You seem to be doing a lot of things right. So am I. I just cant seem to be able to grow Rotala in Indiana water. Five years ago, while living only 3 hours away (Chicago suburb), I could make any plant grow in any of my tanks!! So, I have come to the conclusion that my Rotala and your Crypts are suffering from what I call (others too) PLANT INCOMPATIBILITY. Yes! This doesnt mean that at night my Nomaphila, Ludwigia and Swords beat up on my Rotala, when nobody's looking. But, there is probably a high degree of competition between all the species I have ( includes besides the ones mentioned above, Najas sp., Crypt wendtii, Lileaopsis, Nympheas sp. red and green lilly, Vallisneria, Hygrophila, Barclaya, Aponogeton crispus and Java moss) for a certain mineral or minerals. One species probably is better adapted at sucking up one of these minerals than the others. They do it quickly and efficiently. Different species may have relative advantages over other species. This perhaps is the ultimate reason for setting up a geographical aquarium. This problem will not occur if you use more tap water with your RO water, if you have fewer plants or if yu follow the Optimum aquarium principle and continuously administer minerals and fertilizers. From what I know, Cryptocoryne sp. are more likely to be victims of such aggression from other plants. Richard this is exactly what happened with your Lace plant. These plants are "wimps" and cannot hold their own in rough company. More light, more iron and a soft acidic water always helps too. Sri lankan Crypts like wendtii and willisii probably wont "get along" with Thai and Malay species like the Cordata/siamensis. Vinny.