[net.news.group] Another Vote for net.religion

donn (02/02/83)

Let's get this deserving discussion into its own newsgroup where
I can ignore it.  net.misc is now engorged with 238 articles using
up 534 blocks of space on our system...  mostly due to the religion
debate.  Give us pagans a break.

Donn Seeley  UCSD Chemistry Dept. RRCF  ucbvax!sdcsvax!sdchema!donn

PS -- Where can I buy "Campus Crusade for Cthulhu" buttons?

jss (02/03/83)

if the "camput crusade for cthulhu" gets big on the net, i will consider
hosting a pilgrimage to lovecraft's grave, a popular local landmark.
judith schrier
(yes, brunix is Brown, in Providence, the ORIGIN of all that disgusting,
lovecraftian fun)