I sent this msg once before, but never saw it on the bboard, so here it is again... --------------- Date: 3 Apr 84 11:18:32 EST From: KSPROUL@RUTGERS.ARPA Subject: Software Piarcy & Protection schemes To: infor-micro@BRL-VGR.ARPA Hal Chamberlina, vp of Micro Technology Unlimited in North Carolina wrote an article someplace about a good soloution to software protection. His company (MTU) implements this scheme on their line of micros. Each computer has a 'serial number' burned into a TTL prom int the machine. All programs that need to be protected check serial number and if they dont match, the program prints an error message, and stops. There serial numbering scheme also has a 'company ID code' to take care of 'multiple CPU licenceing'. So if you want a program to run on all of your machines, you pay a higher price than for 1 copy but less then for several copies, and the one copy that you get, will run on any machine that has that 'company ID'. This last thing only works for a computer manufacture that does only direct mail order, they can do this because they are a small company. But the concept of a serial number in every machine would be extremely easy for even someone as big as Apple or IBM to implement.. I am prety sure that some of the big IBM mainframes have 'serial numbers' imbeded in them somewhere. MTUs method even goes further and 'encrypts' the serial number both in the machine, and in the programs so that is is not very easy to get around (in fact fairly difficult). they also check for the serial numbers several different and obscure places througout a program, so it is not just an easy task of 'NOPing' out the code that does these checks. This could be done on an APPLE via a 'serial number card' but would only be practicle for a BIG software house that sold several different programs (i.e. microsoft). this has been done on a Comodore PET, Some company gave you a 'key' that pluged into the back of your pet, and their programs would not run without this KEY. I would love to see APPLE come out with this type of 'serial number' on the MACINTOSH, and also have other very useful information in the TTL prom. i.e. Date manufactured, revision number, amount of memory, etc (this last one is not always practicle on all types of machines due to add-on boards). But even with the mack, when you upgrade to more memory, the could give you a new ttl prom. This scheme DOES cause a VERY BIG PROBLEM, all of the software houses now have to either do direct mail-order sales, or have there delears have a program that would create the disk for the purchaser on the spot when he walks in the door and lays down his money. This would put a sever burden on the retail software salesman. oh well all solutions have their problems... Different subject: As far as a company not wanting to pay for multiple copies, look at what happened to RIXON. Because of this, the company I work for has told people to make sure that they do NOT have 'illegal copies' of anything and that is far cheaper to pay the $300-$400 for a program than $500,000 in damages later. Keith Sproul Ksproul@Rutgers.arpa ------- -------
rjh@ihuxj.UUCP (Randolph J. Herber) (04/20/84)
In an article by keith Sproul at Rutgers: "But the concept of a serial number in every machine would be extremely easy for even someone as big as Apple or IBM to implement.. I am prety sure that some of the big IBM mainframes have 'serial numbers' imbeded in them somewhere." In "IBM System/370 Principles of Operation", GA22-7000-8, page 10-49 ((c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1970, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1980, 1981): I paraphase as follows: STORE CPU ID - STIDP - X'B202bddd' - STIDP D2(B2) "Information identifying the CPU is stored at the doubleword location designated by the second-operand address." The information contains the following data (from most to least signifance): 8-bit version code, 24-bit CPU identification number (a.k.a. 'serial number'), 16-bit model number, and a 16-bit integer size of a machine log area used by the hardware when a machine error is detected by the hardware. The CPU identification number combined with the model number provides a unique CPU identification. Randolph J. Herber, Amdahl Senior Systems Engineer, ..ihnp4!ihuxj!rjh