[alt.hypertext] HyperCard stack format

rec@osf.org (Ronald Czik) (04/23/91)

Hello All,
	I would like to find some information regarding the
file formats of HyperCard stacks.  I do not need the syntax
specs on HyperTalk, I have that already in "HyperTalk 2.0, The
Book" (which by the way is excellent).  What I do need is the
format and specs for the stacks themselves.  For instance
how are bitmaps compressed into the stacks?  What is the
algorithm?  What are the file formats in general?
	I read in "HyperCard Handbook 2.0" an interview
Goodman had with Atkinson in 1987 for the first edition of
the book where Atkinson says

    "...we intend to make all the file formats public."

I would like to have that information about the stacks.
Is this available from Claris, if so, who do I write to
there?  Any information will be helpful.  Thanks in advance.

Ronald Czik                ||  Views expressed here are mine and do NOT
Open Software Foundation   ||         represent those of OSF.
11 Cambridge Center        ||
Cambridge Ma.  02142       ||      rec@osf.org    (617) 621-8907