[alt.hypertext] KnowledgeSet

john@ora.com (John Dockery) (05/13/91)


Does anyone out there have the phone number for KnowledgeSet Corp.
The address and phone number I have are old.  The phone has been
disconnected.  Are these folks still in business?

The address I have is 60 Garden Ct. Bulding A 
		      Monterey, CA 93940

They also had a division called Publishers Data Service Corp.

I'd like a phone number for them too, if possible.

							John Dockery
John Dockery    (617) 354-5800    Fax: (617) 661-1116
O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
90 Sherman Street, Cambridge, MA 02140
UUCP:	uunet!ora!john      ARPA:   john@ora.com