[rec.food.recipes] OVO: Potato Pancakes

isppb03@cis.ohio-state.edu (sam frajerman) (07/02/90)

In response to the request for p.p. recipes

2 eggs
3 cups grated (fine grate) potatos
4 TBS grated (fine grate) onions
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
2 TBS flour (originally said matzo meal)

Beat eggs, add ingredients, and fry.  I don't make very large ones, 
but that's just a matter of choice.  The first couple may not come 
out great, but then they'll be beautiful.  I drain them on paper 
towels, then serve them with various toppings on the side, e.g., sugar or 
sour cream or applesauce or make up your own.  Recipe also had 1/2 cup fat.
  I don't use the fat.  They get greasy  
enough, wonderfully greasy enough, in the oil.