[rec.food.recipes] OVO-LACTO: Honey Biscuit and Vanilla Horseshoe cookies

ndg503%csc1@anu.anu.oz.au (Nick Guoth) (12/05/90)

Here are two Christmas cookie recipes that my mother cooks every year.
I've been told that they are traditional Hungarian.

Honey Biscuits

250gr honey		1 flat teaspoon bi-carbonate soda
100gr unsalted butter	500gr brown flour
100gr sugar		cinnamon
2 eggs			almonds for decoration
2 egg yolks		little sour cream

Warm honey. Add sugar, butter, eggs and gradually the flour.  Work with
a wooden spoon until very smooth and bubbles appear on the surface.
Leave to stand overnight. Make balls or roll out to 1cm thickness and
cut into small rounds.  Brush with egg yolk and sour cream mix.  Top
with almonds.  Bake for 6 minutes at 420, then lower temperature of
oven to 350 and bake for a further 8 minutes.  Do not brown.  Will be
hard for 3 to 4 days. Keeps well.

Vanilla Horseshoe

250gr flour	100gr blanched ground almonds
200gr unsalted butter	100gr vanilla sugar
100gr icing sugar	vanilla

Mix all ingredients except vanilla sugar very quickly together.  Roll
out to pencil thickness and cut into 5cm lengths.  Shape into a
horseshoe.  Bake at 410 for 12 minutes. Do not brown.  While still hot,
dip into a bowl of vanilla sugar so they get coated.

nick guoth - ndg503@csc.anu.edu.au