[rec.food.recipes] LACTO: Pao Bhaji

ajayshah@alhena.usc.edu (Ajay Shah) (04/14/91)

Ingredients for bhaji to serve five :
	1 kg tomatoes
	0.5 kg potatoes
	One cauliflower
	0.25 kg carrots
	0.25 kg green bell peppers
	0.25 kg peas.
	yellow butter for cooking in
	2 tsp Jeera  (something commonplace in English, but I don't
		recall it's name).
	Pao Bhaji Masala and Garam Masala (have to get these from
		an Indian store).

	Cilantro (kothmir)
	green limes
	minced onions
	yellow butter

Ingredients for pao
	Hot dog buns

Precision demanded: Very little.


	1. Destroy the potatoes and the cauliflower.  This can be done
	either via boiling or in a microwave.  If you use a microwave,
	then keep some water around; pure baking is not as good as when
	steam is present.  The potatoes will take longer than the

	2. Rudely chop the tomatoes into random sized pieces.  Melt the
	butter in the pot.  When it is hot enough, add the jeera.
	Avoid adding the jeera too early (i.e., the butter is so cold
	the jeera doesn't cook instantly).  The jeera will get
	overcooked (dark brown) in no time: watch out!

	The moment the jeera is cooked, chuck in the tomatoes.  Fry
	'em totally thoroughly.

	3. Reduce the carrots and the bell peppers into tiny pieces
	-- almost powder, but not quite -- in a mincer.

	4. By this time, the tomatoes should be decently done.  Put in
	all the salt you ever will put, two tsp of pao-bhaji masala and
	three tsp of Garam masala.  After a minute or two, chuck in all
	the vegetables: destroyed potatoes, destroyed cauliflower,
	minced carrots+bell peppers.  After a few minutes, put in the
	peas (thawed).

	5. Cook this for a long, long time (at least 30 minutes).  Keep
	adding water when it gets too dry.  Gradually, adding more of
	the spices (both pao-bhaji masala and garam masala) depending
	on how spicy you want it.  Save up some spices for the very

	When it's finished bubbling, put your last dash of spices
	and it's done.  It'll taste better the next day!

	When you take a serving from the pot to a bowl (say), add
	generous quantities of toppings: minced onion, chopped
	cilantro, lime and a slice of butter.  These are critical
	ingredients to the overall impact.

	6. The pao.  Take a pan and setup a low flame.  Put a slice of
	butter and wait for it to melt.  Open up the hot-dog bun.
	Before the butter turns brown, place the hot-dog bun
	(white-side down) on the butter.  Cook for a few minutes till
	the bottom of the bun is a nice brown.

Ajay Shah, (213)734-3930, ajayshah@usc.edu