[rec.food.recipes] LACTO: Sweet Carrot Curry

moh2@midway.uchicago.edu (mary anne amirthi mohanraj) (06/21/91)

	Hi.  I'm new to the net and have just discovered rec.food.recipes.
I was wondering if anyone was interested in authentic Sri Lankan recipes
(mainly for curry).  I was born in Jaffna and my mother has taught me
several of our traditional dishes.  Here's a sample...let me know if
anyone wants more...

Sweet Carrot Curry - serves 3-4

Prep time - 15 min
Cooking time - 25 min

Carrots - 8-10 (peeled, washed, and sliced into thin circles)
Onions - 1 large (peeled and diced finely)
Turmeric powder - 1 heaping tsp
Black mustard seed
Cumin seed
Salt - 1/2 tsp
Oil to fry (any vegetable oil)
Milk - 1/2 cup


1.  Fry onions on medium high with 2 pinches each black mustard seed
and cumin seed until onions are golden brown.

2.  Add sliced carrots, turmeric powder, salt and milk - cook on medium
10 min, stirring constantly.

3.  Simmer covered until carrots are tender and milk has mostly boiled
away.  **Do Not Let It Burn! (easy to do at this stage)**

4.  Serve hot over rice with meat or another vegetable.

1.  Beans (frozen or fresh) may be substituted for carrots.
2.  Curry should be an orange-yellow color and taste sweet (or you've
done something wrong.

						Amirthi Mohanraj