[rec.food.recipes] FISH: Bluefish

DXH107@psuvm.psu.edu (06/25/91)

   I once had the adventure of going Night Blues fishing off of
Cape May during a vacation.  In that situation, two recipes come
to mind:---

1)  Dad's Bluefish:
  1 fine board (Cedar or Pine works nicely)
  1 filleting knife
  1 blue fish

   The recipe is simple.  Using your best talents, fillet the fish,
the place the fish on the board.  Season the fish as you like, and
(... many details omitted ...)
and after smoking the fish and board charcoal, place the fish and
board in the oven, at 275 degrees.
   After about 2 hours, remove the board and fish, place the fish
on a paper plate, place the board on the dining table, and ...
!!!  Throw the fish away and eat the board  !!!

;)  Needless to say, my Dad hates bluefish.

                                 ( I realize many of you unfortunates )
But here's the recipe we used:   ( have probably heard the 1st recipe )

Seriously!  This IS good!

1) aluminum foil
2) blue fish
3) any favorite fillers:
 - salt
 - pepper       ( some of what
 - lemon      ---   we used...
 - onion        ( You get the idea.
 - pepper

   The key to this recipe may appear a bit wasteful, but it makes all
the difference.  See all the blue meat?  It's extremely oily, and is
basically the cause of the oil problems with blue fish.  ( Don't worry,
We had caught around 7 bluefish, but we fed about 7-8 people anyways,
and if you must, you can always find something to doo with the other
(bad) meat -- feed it to a cat, or something.)

!!! Remove ALL of the oily fish meat !!!   (yes, the darker blue stuff)
   When you are done, you should have a pile of blue meat and a pile of
whitish (clear) meat at about a 1:3 ratio.  The rest is simple:  Lay
whatever fillers you like with the fish onto a sheet of foil.  Next,
completely seal the foil.  Finally, grill (I don't remember how long or
how hot, sorry) however long common sense dictates.

   The result is a very mild flavored fish, without the strong flavor
of fishiness akin to bluefish.  PLUS, the recipe is REALLY easy !!!
   - Hope you like this; we all did. -

Enjoy!   -- Dave

David J. Hrencecin