[net.news.group] Books, Anyone?

tfilm (02/17/83)

          RE: Books, anyone?

          Is there any interest in book related discussions?  As a library
          director,I am interested in most types of literature, and it seems
          to me that with the proliferation of news nets and with what I
          perceive as something around a 20% valuable, 80% questionable
          content ratio for all of the net items, there may be interest in a
          news group 'net.books'.

          To begin such a discussion, I would be quite interested in what
          sort of people enjoyed the book 'Sophie's Choice', and why. I have,
          of course, my own opinion of the author's style and the story

          Another area that interests me is that occasionally librarians
          blacklist a book on the grounds that it is 'truly' offensive to
          some group in our society (policemen, prudes, minorities). One such
          current book is Margot Zemach. I just purchased the book for my
          children and would be interested if any one has any views on this
          book in particular, or on librarian 'censorship' of this or a
          similar sort.


          I had not intended to conduct a poll for the institution of
          net.books, but it looks as if the foregoing comments I had
          originally placed on net.misc had been so misconstrued.That being
          the case, I will be collecting responses to the question: Should
          there be a newsgroup 'net.books'?  I personally believe that such a
          group would be useful, therefore my response is obviously, yes.

                          MEL tfilm!ihuxp