randy@ssyx.ucsc.edu (Reknamorken@ABYSS.666.ORG) (07/08/89)
Our high school recently got a LOT of terminals donated to it. Unfortunately, we can't use ALL of them. So, we decided to sell the extras and use the money to help fund the CIS department (it's REAL small, but we're trying). We have DEC VT100's, ADDS Regent 40's, and ADDS Viewpoint 60's. Most of the DEC VT100's don't work, unfortunately. Largely due to blown CRT's. The regent40's are in good condition as are the viewpoints. We'll consider any offers, and we would prefer to sell in half dozen lots, but we'll take anything we can get. Most of the VT100's can probably be fixed, or scrapped. Please reply to rek@gorn.santa-cruz.ca.us, since I am posting this through a friends account. (We don't have a UNIX machine at school, but I have access to a locally owned one). Thanks.