[soc.culture.japan] Networking with Japan

patth@dasys1.UUCP (Patt Haring) (02/16/88)

Accessing TWICS (in Japan) from the USA:  called 1-800-336-0149
and ask the TYMNET customer service rep for the TYMNET access
number for 3/12/2400 baud (depending on your modem);

From New York City - dial in to the TYMNET 1200 baud access
number at 212-943-4700
and you'll get one or two lines of garbage characters; hit a
carriage return and at the identifier: prompt type  A
then at the login:  prompt type    TOKYO
hit a carriage return and again at the
login: prompt type    TWICS
hit a carriage return once or twice and at the
username:  prompt type  SIGNUP   GUEST   or   NEW
and read all the information; for a FREE account please
apply for special group membership with the INTL code name.

::: WHO we are :::

TWICS started as an idea in 1983 and began operating an
experimental electronic bulletin board system in September
1984.  In September 1985 we went multi-user and in April 1986
we implemented the present full-featured system.

TWICS BeeLINE is the only globally-oriented English language
based electronic communications service in Japan.

TWICS incorporated (kabushiki kaisha) on October 1, 1986, and
is presently a wholly-owned commercial service company of the
International Education Center, a non-profit Japanese educa-
tional organization involved in various language training,
adult education, and cross-cultural activities.  The multi-
cultural and experienced personnel of TWICS are anxious to
serve you and your communication needs.

::: WHAT we offer you :::

The people using TWICS BeeLINE are the most important aspect
of the system.  The BeeLINE itself is just a "place" for you
to meet and communicate, a set of electronic facilities to
give you a variety of ways to do this, as well as a few
other services.

As a BeeLINE member, you will have the following...

* a personal electronic mailbox for private one-to-one
  messaging and inter-network electronic mail access...
  In addition to full use of our VAX/VMS MAIL facility,
  featuring real-time new mail notification and a
  convenient folder-based internal filing system, we
  offer you a *FREE* subscription to the DASnet (R)
  inter-network electronic mail forwarding service,
  which gives you email access to an estimated 3 million
  electronic mailboxes on dozens of other systems,
  including academic and research networks and the many
  host computer services they link to; including
  commercial email services and the gateway services
  available through them, such as access to other systems
  not directly linked by DASnet, international telex and
  fax gateways; and including computer conferencing systems
  and the ability to set up parallel conferences between them.

* a computer conferencing system for group communication...

  We offer you PARTICIPATE (R), a powerful and full-featured
  facility used for personal messaging and public and private
  group communications by many other academic, business, and
  commercial networks.  PARTI is the major activity on TWICS
  BeeLINE, and the place where members meet in order to
  exchange ideas and information and to make friends.  There
  are already hundreds of conferences on different topics
  waiting for you, or you can start your own, either as a
  public one open to other members or as a private one open
  only for those you choose to invite.

* other messaging tools...

  We offer you two real-time facilities which let you interact
  with others who are online at the same time, and we offer
  you our original POSTCARD service, which lets people who
  are not members send short messages to your mailbox.

* file transfer communications...

  We offer you a personal file storage area and related file-
  handling utilities, including ways to exchange files with
  other TWICS BeeLINE members, and XMODEM and Kermit for
  error-free binary file transfer.  We also support several
  member-operated download libraries containing public domain
  software and information files.

* global access

  We offer you direct dial-up modem access at a variety of
  speeds (now 300-2400bps) as well as access through low-
  cost packet networks for people who live outside the
  greater Kanto area.  People from nearly a dozen countries
  outside Japan access TWICS BeeLINE regularly through
  international packet networks.

::: HOW you can benefit :::

* You can benefit by having the opportunity to "meet" and
  "talk" with other interesting and intelligent people
  according to your convenience, your schedule, and your

* You can benefit from the fewer restrictions on time and
  space in this medium of communication when you use it to
  communicate with others in your professional, personal or
  social life.

* You can benefit through the interactive information
  exchange among members, as you find quick answers in
  response to your questions, and as you share your knowledge
  with them.

* You can benefit professionally by using the facilities for
  business communication and private networks, or by
  offering your professional services to others through the

                  ::: TWICS Philosophy :::

                 The people are the system.

                ::: TWICS -- The Community :::

For many of our members, TWICS is more than just an electronic
messaging service.  It is also a community, a unique virtual 
community where you can exchange ideas and information with
people living in Japan and other countries, in various languages,
where you can learn and grow by doing so, and where you can
make friends with people you might otherwise have no chance to

The general atmosphere in the TWICS community is informal, and
since many of our members live in the greater Kanto Plain area,
online relationships often lead to face-to-face meetings. Our 
members range in age from late teens to late sixties, from students
to people already retired, from corporate office workers to musicians
to professionals and scholars, and includes people from Japan, and a
growing number from other parts of Asia and the Pacific, Europe, Africa,
and North and South America.

       We believe in global networking, and we do it daily!

Japan is an island nation, full of communities in villages,
towns, and cities squeezed in between the mountains and the sea,
with ports of various sizes and shapes through which
communication flows between communities. So, our own online
community is organized in the same terms, an island community
"BEEJIMA" (Bee Island), with our village ("MURA"), a port
("MINATO"), and our very own volcanic mountain ("YAMA"). In the
village, there is a village office ("YAKUBA"), a community
meeting place ("YORIAI"), a high-tech corner ("AKIHABARA") named
after the famous electronics district in Tokyo, a health center
("EMEDICA"), a place to hang around and read things ("HON YA"),
a school ("GAKKOU"), and a market ("ICHIBA"). The port has
holding areas and leads to other parts of Japan ("NIPPON") and
the world ("SEKAI").  The mountain has a hot springs ("ONSEN")
recreational area, and a lively outdoor bath ("IN THE OFURO")
which has become the social center of our island.
Makoto Ezure of TWICS drew you a map (based on an original sketch
by Kiyoshi Yoneda) of our little island community:

           ^          ^           ^
 "BEEJIMA"    **************         ^^             ^^       ^
      ^^    **    & & & &   **____________o    o___
          **     & & & &  &   *                    |     ^^
        **     &        &  &   *    ^  MINATO      |   ^
      **      &   YAMA   &  &   **                 |
 ^^  *        &          &   &   ***      ^^       |       ^^
    *          &        &    &       ****************
   *  }}}}      & &  &      &    :::::: yakuba ::::: **   ^
  *  {{{{ ofuro            &   :::: yoriai ::::::::::: *
  *   }}}}   ^^^^^       &    :: akihabara :: hon ya :: *
  *  ONSEN   ^^^^^^     &    :::::::::::::::::::::::::: *    ^^
  *         ^^^^^^^     &    :::::  M  U  R  A  :::::: *
   *       ^^ yabu ^   &    :::::::::::::::::::::::: **
    **      ^^^^^^^   &   ::: emedica ::: gakkou :: *      ^ ^
^^    **      ^^^^  &      ::::::::: ichiba ::::: **
   ^^   **         &         ::::::::::::::::   **         ^^
          **       &            :::::::::     **
  ^         *****         *****  ::::::   ****          ^^
                  ********     ***       *
          ^^                ^     ******       ^^     ^      ^
    ^^            ^     ^^                   ^            ^^

          We invite *YOU* to join our community today!

::: TWICS -- Professional Services :::

Do you need...                              * YOUR NEEDS *

* to EXCHANGE ideas and information quickly and conveniently
  with colleagues or customers who operate in different
  locations and time zones?

* to have ACCESS to, and be accessible from, various
  electronic mail and messaging services without having to
  subscribe to them all?

* to TRANSFER files between computers in different places
  without having to be in both at once?

* to ENHANCE your organization's existing internal and
  external communications in order to improve your competitive
  power, your decision-making capabilities, or your overall

* to EVALUATE electronic mail or computer conferencing before
  you invest in your own internal system?

::: TWICS -- Professional Services :::

TWICS offers you...                            * OUR TOOLS *

* an ELECTRONIC MAIL facility which gives you access to
  international telex and to nearly 3 million electronic

* a powerful ADVANCED COMPUTER CONFERENCING facility for
  organizing PRIVATE NETWORKS and other custom configurations
  appropriate to your needs

* private FILE STORAGE space and FILE TRANSFER utilities

* access to an ACTIVE PUBLIC NETWORK where you can meet new
  people and make new connections

* CONSULTING to help you organize your own communications
  network, either on our system, utilizing a combination with
  others, or installing your own

* GLOBAL ACCESS through direct modems as well as two packet

::: TWICS -- Professional Services :::

Use TWICS to...                             * APPLICATIONS *

* COMMUNICATE with someone on a major American commercial
  email services, someone at a university on an academic
  email inter-network, someone on a regional computer
  conferencing system, someone on a European business network,
r your local representatives in a PRIVATE
  NETWORK and link them to your parent organization through

* TRANSFER FILES between your computer at home and your
  computer at work, and between you and your colleagues or

* Offer your clients 24-HOUR ACCESS to you and your services.

::: TWICS -- Professional Services :::

You benefit because...                     * YOUR BENEFITS *

* You SAVE MONEY that would otherwise be spent on travel,
  long-distance phone calls, wasted time playing "telephone
  tag", and the expensive subscriptions and communications
  charges necessary for wide international access.

* You SAVE TIME AND ENERGY that would otherwise be spent on
  travelling, waiting, listening to things you could read or
  scan more quickly, learning the peculiarities of various
  messaging systems and organizing all your incoming mail.

* You have more opportunities to meet with the people you need
  to meet with, because you and then can do it according to
  your own schedules -- YOU HAVE ASYNCHRONICITY.

* You ENHANCE YOUR COMMUNICATIONS using a powerful and
  sophisticated system without having to bother setting one
  up and operating it yourself.

           And it is all AVAILABLE NOW on TWICS!!

::: TWICS and DASnet (R) :::::(inter-system email service):::

How to use DASnet on TWICS...

Just use the regular VAX/VMS MAIL utility to send messages
to username DASNET, the DASnet gateway mailbox.  Enter the
inter-net address, and an optional subject comment, at the
subject prompt.  e.g.,

  To:   DASNET
  Subj: [SYSTEM]Username ! (subject)
  Subj: Username@System ! (subject)

   ...and then enter your message...

                  It is just as easy as that!

Benefits of DASnet on TWICS...

* You have WIDE TWO-WAY ACCESS to an estimated 3 million
  electronic mailboxes on a variety of systems on various
  countries, all from one "home" system -- TWICS.

* You SAVE MONEY on subscription fees, usage fees, and 
  international telecommunications charges you would otherwise
  incur for such wide access, since you only have to subscribe
  to one service.

* You SAVE TIME AND ENERGY you would otherwise spend learning
  other systems and checking other mailboxes.  You can also
  have DASnet check your previously established mailboxes for
  you and forward any new mail to you on your "home" system.

  to organize your communications according to whom you need
  to exchange ideas and information with, rather than who is
  available on a single central system.  Use a combination of
  telex, email, mailing lists, and conferences to connect
  your people.  And it is available... NOW.

With DASnet on TWICS, you have email access to...

 AT&T Mail (certification pending), DASnet (R) Network, DCMETA,
 Dialcom (SM), EIES, EasyLink (R), Envoy 100 (TM), GeoMail,
 MCI Mail (R), NWI (R), PeaceNet/EcoNet, Portal Communications,
 (TM), The Source (R), Telemail (R), ATI Telemail (R), TWICS,
 UNISON (R), UUCP, The WELL, domains such as ".COM" and ".EDU",
 international telex and fax gateways!

:::DASnet costs:::

DASnet charges are billed to TWICS in US$, and then re-billed
at current exchange rates plus 10%.  The basic charge for
messages between TWICS and the DASnet hub is $0.40 per message
plus $0.45 per 1000 characters, and the charges between the
hub and other systems range from $0.20 for a domain address to
more for value-added services such as MCI paper mail, telex, and
fax tranmission to the U.S. and Europe.

   Communicate with the world... through TWICS and DASnet!

::: TWICS and NIS Tymnet :::::: (a value-added service) :::

How to access TWICS via NIS Tymnet...

* Set your terminal software to:

              8 bits / NO Parity / 1 stop bit

  NOTE: If you are calling in from outside Japan, this may
        result in strange screen output _until_ you get
        connected to NIS Tymnet in Japan.  Don't worry.

* Call the nearest local access point.  (below)

  nodes         300 bps       1200 bps     1200/2400 bps
  =====      ============   ============   ============

 Sapporo     011-281-4343   011-281-4421   011-281-4448

 Akita       0188-65-5735   0188-65-5733   0188-54-7315
 Morioka     0196-54-8513          ---->   0196-54-7315
 Sendai      022-231-5741   022-231-5355   022-231-5472
 Niigata     0252-41-5409   0252-41-5410   0252-41-6763

 Mito        0292-24-1675   0292-24-4213   0292-24-4214
 Tsuchiura   0298-24-5082   0298-24-4534   0298-24-4536
 Urawa             ?               ---->   0488-33-9341
 Chiba       0472-27-0671          ---->   0472-27-0601
 Tokyo        03-555-9525    03-555-9526    03-555-9696
 Atsugi      0462-21-5331   0462-21-0404   0462-21-2158
 Yokohama    045-453-7757   045-453-7637   045-453-7742

  nodes         300 bps       1200 bps     1200/2400 bps
  =====      ============   ============   ============

 Shizuoka    0542-84-3393   0542-84-3398   0542-84-3403
 Hamamatsu   0534-56-7355   0534-56-7231   0534-56-7231
 Nagoya      052-204-2275   052-204-1466   052-204-2274

 Takayama    0764-41-7578   0764-41-7769   0764-41-8049
 Kanazawa    0762-24-2351   0762-24-2341   0762-24-2343
 Fukui       0776-34-3308   0776-35-8840   0776-35-7899

 Kyoto       075-431-6205   075-431-6203   075-431-6204
 Osaka        06-271-9028    06-271-9029    06-271-6876
 Kobe        078-242-1097   078-242-1115   078-242-1009

  nodes         300 bps       1200 bps     1200/2400 bps
  =====      ============   ============   ============

 Okayama     0862-32-6760   0862-31-4993   0862-31-4969
 Hiroshima   082-241-6857   082-243-9270   082-243-9388

            ?              ?
 Kumamoto    096-355-5233   096-354-3065   096-354-3034
 Kagoshima   0992-22-8598   0992-22-8954   0992-22-9154

 Naha        0988-61-4002   0988-61-3414   0988-61-3489

* When your modem gets connected, you will either see a
  prompt scrolling slowly by, or else you will see some
  random characters.
                       Type 'A'

  NOTE: This procedure to set the terminal type may vary
        if you are calling in from outside Japan or from
        a non-Tymnet packet network.

* Then, at the prompt enter 'TWICS'.

                  Please login: TWICS

  NOTE: You may have to use an additional step to get to
        NIS Tymnet if you are calling in from outside Japan,
        and this will require that you have an international
        access account with your local packet network.  Once
        NIS Tymnet is registered among other international
        packet networks, our address should be 4406 000524.

* After the Tymnet message tells you that you are connected
  to the host, you have to wake up our terminal port.
           hit your <RETURN> key once or twice

  And you should see our system banner message...
               Connected to TWICS(Tokyo)

Benefits of NIS Tymnet access...

* SAVE MONEY, if you live outside the Kanto area.  Compare
  your direct dial-up rates to the NIS Tymnet access charge!

* RELIABLE CONNECTIONS, since you are calling a local number
  and using an error-checking packet network for the rest of
  the distance.

* Enjoy the BEST OF BOTH WORLDS: access to a global network
  while living where you are most comfortable.

::: TWICS surcharges for (domestic) NIS Tymnet access :::
Access to TWICS(Tokyo) via Tymnet Japan (NIS-net) is on a
Value-Added surcharge basis.  It is _not_ included in the
hourly or unlimited usage rates.  The access surcharges
are (time zone JST):
        8am-8pm  (day)             8pm-8am (nite)
        ==============             ==============
        30 yen/minute              10 yen/minute
             -or-                       -or-
        1800 yen/hour               600 yen/hour
These rates are based on what we estimate to be the costs of
providing this channel of access.  We reserve the right to
modify these surcharges as our costs change.

       For technical support or for more information,
                      please contact:

             ** Network Information Service **

<Tokyo head office>   <Tokyo center>          <Osaka office>
 Nihon Jissho Bldg.    Tokyo Daiya Bldg.,#3    Osaka Kokusai Bldg.
 Kudan-Kita 1-13-5     Shinkawa 1-28-25        Azuchi-cho 2-30
 Chiyoda-ku            Chuo-ku                 Higashi-ku
 Tokyo  102  JAPAN     Tokyo  104  JAPAN       Osaka  541  JAPAN
 tel: 03-262-8711      tel: 03-551-6111        tel: 06-266-3971
 fax: 03-262-8757      fax: 03-551-6355        fax: 06-263-0188

  Mr. Gen Sasa       (NIS Tymnet for domestic access)
  Mr. Keiji Tanaka   (NIS Tymnet for international access)

          NIS Tymnet -- local access, global access!

             ::: How much does TWICS COST? :::

        TWICS is a membership subscription service.

There is a one-time sign-up fee of 5000 yen, which includes a
full month of unlimited connect time usage in order to get used
to the system.

The basic annual subscription is 10,000 yen, which includes the
first hour of connect time usage each month.

Connect time usage beyond the first hour is either 1000 yen per
hour, or 5000 yen per month for unlimited connect time.

                   :: A Special Offer :::

  If you pay for unlimited connect time usage for one year in
  advance (12 months x 5000 yen = 60,000 yen), then the basic 
  10,000 yen subscription fee is waived!

So...                            (all prices in Japanese yen)

  Sign-up (and first month)...................... 5,000 /once

  Basic Subscription............................ 10,000 /year
  Usage (beyond 1st hour monthly)...............  1,000 /hour
                                 ...............  5,000 /month

  Very Special Offer............................ 60,000 /year
  (subscription _and_ unlimited connect usage)

NOTE: Connect usage does not include value-added services or
      telecommunications charges for access through telephone
      lines or the DDX-P or NIS Tymnet packet networks.

A comparison...
w/ usage type            YEARLY        MONTHLY        HOURLY
-------------          -----------   -----------   ------------
sign-up                   5,000         5,000          5,000
subscription               ---         10,000         10,000
usage                    60,000/yr      5,000/mo       1,000/hr
=======                  ======        ======         ======
TOTAL (x 12 months)      65,000        75,000         15,000+
TOTAL now                65,000        15,000         15,000
NOTE:  Basic usage does _not_ include value-added services or
       telecommunication charges for access through telephone
       lines or the DDX-P or NIS Tymnet packet networks.
                 *  H O W   T O   P A Y  *
       -  By bank money transfer (GINKOU FURIKOMI) -
           Sumitomo Bank -- Kanda-eki-mae Branch
              Futsuu-Yokin account # 1004419
                 (TO-U-I-K-KU-SU in kana)
                         -  o r  -
       - By postal money transfer (YUUBIN FURIKAE) -

                  Tokyo 9-75227    (TWICS) 
Please make sure to _INDICATE_YOUR_NAME_ during the transfer.
                 If you live outside Japan,
    then you may be eligible for a special subscription.
       Please apply as a member of special group INTL.
                 -----------------/ *FREE* subscription
 BUT - be sure to identify yourself when you *JOIN* as
a member of special group INTL.
 *BE SURE* to indicate  INTL as the special group when you JOIN!

    TWICS BeeLINE offers you the power and facilities
      you expect of an international network, but...
                    at reasonable rates.

          Seriously...  The people ARE the system.

for more information, contact Jeffrey Shapard at this
mail path:  jefu@ DCTWCS.DAS.NET or

Patt Haring                 {sun!hoptoad,cmcl2!phri}!dasys1!patth
Big Electric Cat Public Access Unix (212) 879-9031 - System Operator

Three aspects of wisdom:  intelligence, justice & kindness.