(Eugene N. Miya) (06/14/90)
To: Distribution From: David Kahaner ONRFE [] Re: The Advanced Telecommunication Research Institute (ATR) 12 June 1990 ABSTRACT: A visit to The Advanced Telecommunication Research Institute, (ATR) on 15 May 1990 is described. ATR was organized in 1986 with a combination of government and private money for the following express purposes. Plan and promote basic telecommunication research. Establish and maintain research facilities and equipment to promote integrated joint research opportunities for industrial, academic, and governmental organizations. Promote international technical research and exchange of researchers. About one third of its support is from private companies such as NTT, while the remainder is governmental. In April 1990, ATR was capitalized at slightly more than 51 billion yen, about $350,000,000 US. There are four major laboratories within the complex. Their staffing is shown below. NAME OF LAB RESEARCHERS OTHER TOTAL normal+invited Communications Systems 30 3 33 Interpreting Telephony 38 7 45 Auditory and Visual Perception 45 10 55 Optical and Radio Communications 36 2 38 ---- ---- --- 149 22 171 ATR Inst. Int. (admin) 6 25 31 ---- ---- ---- --- TOTALS 155 22 25 202 MAIN RESEARCH FACILITIES Super minicomputers 15 Parallel supercomputers 2 Sound shielded booths 7 3-D image display equipment 1 High frequency network analyzing system 1 Variable reverberation chamber 1 Radio anecholic chamber 1 Clean room 1 Last year the staff presented more than 500 research results via papers and talks. The main functions of the four ATR laboratories are as follows. Communications Systems: Communications with realistic sensations, automatic 3-D shape acquisition, modeling, manipulation and display Nonverbal interfaces, recognition of facial and eye-gaze directions, understanding gestures and hand movements, integration of visual and speech information Automatic generation of communication software, extraction of real intentions, use of visual language to give specifications accurately, human deliberative mechanisms in software design Security, cryptographic techniques for large capacity (image) communications, secure telecommunication networks Optical and Radio Communications: Optical intersatellite communications, optical beam control, optical modulation/demodulation Advanced antennas, active array technology for mobile antennas, methods of mitigating multipath propagation problems, microwave circuit integration, signal processing Optical and electronic devices, growth and characterization of semiconductors with precisely controlled atomic configurations, nonlinear optical devices Interpreting Telephony: Speech recognition and synthesis Interface between speech and language, spoken language processing, knowledge base Machine translation, grammar for analysis of Japanese, dialog interpretation, contextual processing Auditory and Visual Perception: Basic mechanisms of visual perception, character and pattern understanding, scene analysis and understanding Cognitive processes for visual information, parallel computing principles, learning and motor theories of perception Hearing and speech perception and recognition, auditory models ATR publishes the ATR Journal six times each year. Although most of the articles are in Japanese a few are in English, and often there are enough figures, illustrations, and tables to get a sense of the topics. There are also reports, whose titles (some in English) are printed in the journal. My own interest in ATR was specifically toward their research in parallel processing and more casually in neural networks and graphical interfaces. My main contact there was Dr. Noboru Sonehara, in the Auditory and Visual Perception lab [], and his boss Dr. Kazunari Nakane, who heads the Cognitive Processes Department, [nakane@atr-]. Both of them were extremely gracious, cooperative and open with me, although it was clear that there was more than a little sensitivity because of my association with ONR. Ultimately it was suggested that half a day ought to be enough time for my visit. During my visit many of the researchers were away, and I was only able to have discussions with Nakane, Sonehara, and Dr. Masa-aki Sato in the Visual Perception lab, Dr. Peter Davis who is working in optical materials, and Kelley Picket who works for Thinking Machines and has been at ATR for about six months. ATR has a Connection Machine, [Note: this is the only CM in Japan] although it has been modified to only permit 32 bit floating point computation. I am told that new trade agreements will allow 64 bit chips to be installed. Picket who is responsible for teaching the ATR staff how to use the machine, felt that it was slow going to get some of the Japanese scientists to pick up the ball and run with it, although Sonehara was one of his most enthusiastic users. At this time the machine is not being used as effectively as it could be and there are some internal questions about what groups are permitted access. Only a few programmers are actually using the Connection Machine, although a larger number of people are directing work by the programmers. Most of the work on the Connection Machine is related to implementing neural network models. For example, Sonehara sent me a paper of his concerning the problem of converting a digitized image containing k grey levels to one containing only black and white (k=2), so-called binary representation of a grey level image. Unfortunately, the paper did not give any details of the computational implementation. An earlier paper, using analog methods was given by Koch, [Koch C., Marroquin J., Yuille A. "Analog `Neuronal' Networks in Early Vision" Proc Nat Acad Sci USA, 83 pp4263-4267, 1986]. Sonehara also has studied interpolation methods for image processing using an iterative neural network model which he also implemented on the Connection Machine. Dr. Sato described some of his work which has general application in the area of speech synthesis. (A preprint is available from the author. "APOLONN brings us to the real world: Learning nonlinear dynamics and fluctuations in nature"). A major problem in synthetic speech is its unnaturalness, due mostly to the lack of high harmonics, short waveforms, and time dependent spectra. Sato and his colleagues are experimenting with a nonlinear network, APOLONN, in an effort to solve this problem. In the analysis of their network they are led to the mathematical problem of minimizing an energy functional whose values depend on the solution of a system of ordinary differential equations with prescribed initial conditions. The analysis is quite elegant. But, as I have now seen several times the computer simulation of this was done from the ground up with no collaboration with a numerically trained researcher. The integration is via fixed step Euler's method and this could surely be improved. I cannot tell if such improvements would make an appreciable difference in their ability to train the network to synthesize speech. Dr. Davis is primarily working on optical devices. He has been studying systems that can be made to behave chaotically. In his context this means that they can have many configurations by making small changes in their input. He is hoping that such devices can have applications as memories. Although the techniques are quite different this is in the same spirit as Michael Barnsley at Georgia Tech, who wants to capture the details of an image in a few parameters and hence use them as a data compression technique. In Davis' model of the devices he is studying are several ordinary differential equations of "delay" or "retarded" type, wherein the time derivative of the unknown depends on the solution at some past times. I explained to Davis that there was new work on these equations, and it is possible that some of his models will be used as test cases for very new numerical solvers. ATR is extremely well equipped, even in comparison to some of the other industrial labs I have visited. If anything, it seems to be top heavy with equipment and short of staff, although it is a very new facility and is still in the recruiting stage. One of their well publicized projects is to develop a "Dick Tracy" watch. As Seiko has just announced a wrist watch with pocket pager there is plenty of interest in this research. ATR is also working on manipulation in 3 dimensions. An operator wears a specially instrumented glove and glasses while watching a computer screen on which a 3-D computer generated image is displayed. The 3-D effect is via the glasses. By moving the gloved hand in free space the operator can effect the movement of various objects on the screen. Unfortunately, none of the researchers on these projects was available during my visit. CONCLUSIONS. ATR is in a brand new laboratory in a new area, designated as Kansai Science City, for which great things are planned. At the moment it is pretty much out by itself, about one half hour train ride between Kyoto and Osaka. Several square miles of ground around the facility have been cleared to make room for other research and high tech commercial buildings. A few of these are now going up. There will also be a new international airport nearby. The handful of researchers that I met, Davis, Sato, and Sonehara, are articulate and their projects are interesting. They certainly have all the hardware they need. In many large laboratories there are a few strongly directed people whose work is well known and who provide vision and guidance. I did not know any of the ATR scientists before I visited and I cannot tell if any fall into this category. Many of the scientific staff are on rotational assignments from industrial research laboratories and when they leave ATR their projects often are left hanging. Perhaps this assignment is viewed as a form of training by their parent companies. At the moment the parallel computation facilities are being used as a research tool for other problems rather than to study parallel computation. This may change as the staff becomes more familiar with the equipment. There does not seem to be any numerical analysis expertise or research being performed there; it may not be needed. Nevertheless, ATR deserves a much more comprehensive look than the afternoon that I spent there. For information about ATR, contact The Advanced Telecommunication Research Institute Sampeidani, Inuidani Saika-cho, Soraku-gun Kyoto 619-02 Tel: 81 7749-5-1111, Fax: 81 7749-5-1108. ---------------END OF REPORT-------------------------------------------